Athletic Training is the profession that deals with the prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation of athletic injuries. I worked as an athletic trainer for seven years. In high school, as a student trainer, I worked with Hank Mason covering Football in the fall and several sports in the spring (listed in order of my involvement):
At Furman, I worked in the Furman University Sportsmedicine Center. I worked all four years there, having worked with the following sports (in chronological order):
Football (Fall 1992)
Women's Softball (Spring 1993)
Men's Soccer (Fall 1993, Spring 1994, Fall 1995)
Women's Volleyball (Fall 1994)
Women's Tennis (Spring 1995 and Spring 1996)
I sat for the National Athletic Trainer's Certification Exam in June of 1997. I passed the rest of the exam, and became a Certified Athletic Trainer. I also graduated from USC School of Medicine in May of 2000. So officially, I can write:
Stefan Lamar Montgomery, M.D., A.T.,C.
I got a letter to the editor published in the NATA News (the monthly publication for the National Athletic Trainer's Association). Check it out in the February 1998 edition on page 32 and let me know what you think.
If you have any questions about Athletic Training, or how to become
please don't hesitate to e-mail me.
Here are some helpful Sportsmedicine links
National Athletic Trainer's Association
Furman University Sportsmedicine Society
University of Findlay Athletic Training
Here is a commentary on the movie Patch Adams that I wrote.
hits since 2/22/98.
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