Course Outline: The work in this class, research, construction, and everything else must take 45 hours for you to properly earn three credits. It is wise to keep a log of your time spent.
The participants must complete their 6 plans with these target dates in mind. Meeting the target dates is not essential. However, the last target date is the last date that work will be accepted for e-mailing to the instructor. Advice should be requested regularly by the instructor.
This course is mostly put together for the participant to spend at least thirty hours researching a unit they would normally be teaching during the course of the school year. The research is conducted through traditional sources and through the Internet.
The participant writes six lesson plans for that unit. The lesson plans follow this format. Variation from this format is only allowed to a slight extent. All participants remain consistent with the format so that the web site we will be posting these plans to will be consistent for the person reading the pages within it.
Structure of these plans:
Develop a set of Learning Objectives for the Unit, then compose each plan comprised of these distinct sections.
Learning Objective for Plan;
Anticipatory Set;
Key Question;
Development through Teacher Input and Independent Practice;
Don't forget the all-important "Check for Understanding", usually in the Development.
Use this format or the highly-accepted Elements of a Good Lesson by Madeline Hunter.
Each plan must have at least five hyperlinks to web sites that appropriately support that lesson's content. We will also learn through ongoing e-mail at any time and through e-mail "office hours" to create those links and search for the best sites to which to be linked.
Timetable for reaching course objectives:
February 23: Finish first plan, code first plan for web page and e-mail coded plan to instructor.
March 9: Finish second plan, code second plan for web page and e-mail coded plan to instructor.
March 23: Finish third plan, code third plan for web page and e-mail coded plan to instructor.
April 6: Finish fourth plan, code fourth plan for web page and e-mail coded plan to instructor.
April 20: Finish fifth plan, code fifth plan for web page and e-mail coded plan to instructor.
May 5: Finish sixth plan, code sixth plan fo web page and e-mail the coded plan to the instructor.
To e-mail me for any reason at all, please e-mail me at
If you ever need to phone me, please call (631)244-6600 days.