What to do for:
The SCOPE Course:
New York State Learning Standards and Student Work:
The objective of this "teacher training" course is for teachers to develop practical ways of meeting the specified objectives in the New York State learning standards. These ways should become methods the teacher would himself or herself employ in his or her classroom.
There is no specific timeline except that all work needs to be finished by August 15, 2001.
If you need more time, let me know.
In order, do the following:
1) Download
ACROBAT FREE READER from the state's department of education web
site. This will enable your computer to display the state's
learning standards. Although they can be found through print
materials in your school district's various offices, the updates
and changes are posted as .pdf files through the
2) Through any web browser or through an on-line service such as America On Line, search for information on Gardner's Multiple Intelligences. Howard Gardner, a professor at Harvard, has developed a theory that all people are intelligent, but perhaps not as highly intelligent in the linguistic way or in the logical-mathematical way that schools tend to recognize most. A students with lower linguistic intelligence and lower logical-mathematical intelligence may have higher spatial intelligence, and thus when the teacher displays a diagram or chart, that student finally "gets it". There are eight recognized intelligences by Gardner. They are:
interpersonal, and
Understand what others have written about these intelligences and about other theorist's opinions about Gardner. Find five good web sites on this topic. They need to be from universities or other established educational organizations. Those sites, therefore, need to be approved by me.
3) All five of these sites will be hyperlinked to a web page you will design for the course, so record the addresses of these pages to e-mail them to me and to create the hyperlinks.
4) Any ten state standards may be analyzed by you. While reading the standards on-line, carefully read the performance indicators which are the actual activities students will do that in so doing is evidence that they have met the learning standard. Ask yourself, "Would this performance indicator be the best method to employ for a student with high interpersonal intelligence? (or high bodily-kinesthetic intelligence, or which?) For example, if the performance indicator involves conducting a debate in class, would a student with high interpersonal intelligence learn to the standard better this way, than by listening to a lecture if his or her linguistic intelligence is not as pronounced?
5)Follow a template which helps you create a web page which includes an html-coded table. The three-column and ten-row table includes the first column devoted to a specific intelligence, the second column devoted to the wording of a particular New York State learning standard (one in which it seems as if that learning standard's performance indicator is the type of indicator a student with the intelligence mentioned at the beginning of the table's row would perform well). The third coumn is devoted to a well-chosen performance indicator of that standard. Create hyerlinks of the text in Column A to the approved web pages on multiple intelligences theory. Create hyperlinks of the text in Column C with the lesson plan pages you created (See Step 6).
6) Create a separate web page for each of your ten lessons. Each lesson (page), when conducted, enables students to follow through on a performance indicator mentioned in the ten-row table. The ten lesson plans need also to be coded into html. There will be a template to follow for doing this.
The final outcome is: a web page with a table, part of which links to the approved web sites on multiple intelligences and part of which links to the individual web pages of the ten performance-based lessons. The ten performance-based lessons can be created as web pages or as files copied into text-based e-mail or as files attached to e-mail.
Attempt to get me all work by August 15.