Close-up of dustmite amongst mattress fibers, slow zoom as 
narrator speaks, tense music.

narrator: DUSTMITES. You can't see them with the naked
eye, but every night, millions of Americans get cozy
in beds SATURATED with them. They feed on the microscopic
flakes of dead skin that each of us shed. That is, those
of us who don't use Mattress-Cide, the revolutionary new
product that eliminates dustmites for months at a time!
Big red X overlaid on dustmite with loud metallic clamping
noise. Vertical split-screen, white background. Two beds,
one on each side of dividing line. Bed on left (labeled
"before") splotched with pulsating red glow. Bed on right
(labeled "after") is normal.

narrator: Special technology allows us to view the effects
of Mattress-Cide in action! The bed on the left is as
mite-infested as yours probably is right now. The bed on
the right is the very same bed after being treated with
the incredible Mattress-Cide. Mite-free!
Bedroom. Beautiful woman in bedclothes reclines on bed,
propped up by pillows, stroking covers.

woman (seductively): Thank you, Mattress-Cide! (Smiles
both sizes of product displayed on "laboratory desk" with
1-800 number at bottom of screen.

narrator: Scientifically proven! So extraordinary, it's
only available through this special TV offer! Order your
Mattress-Cide today!
Blue background. Product shown in top left quadrant.
Prices ($12.95 for 12 ounces, $19.95 for 24 ounces) shown
in yellow in top right quadrant. Bottom half of screen
shows 1-800 number in yellow with blinking "LIMITED TIME
OFFER" below it.

narrator: Remember, this is a limited time offer. Don't
let dustmites get under your skin!