
Scout Brothers 

Amen's High School (CHHS) CHHS 
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Can you see that (the above photos)? That's how my high school looks like.  

My high school's name is Chong Hwa High School (CHHS), it's located in Kluang, a little town in Johor. It's the one and only Chinese independent secondary school in my home town. In Malaysia, there are 60 Chinese independent secondary schools located in different states. The teaching media is Chinese.  

I started my Junior 1 in the year 1990. And I was assigned a student no. 90-181. Accidentally, I joined the scout group in this year. From that time I began to learn lots of things and met lots of freinds.  When came to the 4th year, I was in senior 1, I have decided to study science. At this time, I was also a team leader in scout. I left CHHS in the end of year 1995.  

Just for your information, S3S2 stands for Senior 3 Science 2 (the 2nd science class in senior 3).  

 19 September 1998.

My ICQ UIN # 1870504 

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