My Courses

Fall 1996

CMPS 131 Introduction to C++ Programming
ECON 102 Microeconomics
ENGL 150 English Composition
MATH 122 Calculus II for Science and Engineering
PSCL 101 Introduction to Psychology

Spring 1997

ECMP 251 Numerical Methods
ECMP 333 Introduction to Data Structures
ECON 103 Macroeconomics
MATH 223 Calculus III for Science and Engineering
PHYS 121 Physics I: Mechanics

Fall 1997

ECMP 337 Systems Programming
EEAP 282 Introduction to Microprocessors
MATH 304 Discrete Math
MATH 380 Introduction to Probability
PHYS 122 Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism

Spring 1998

ECMP 338 Introduction to Operating Systems
ECON 326 Econometrics
MATH 224 Elementary Differential Equations
MUSC 103 Theory I
PHYS 221 Physics III: Modern Physics

Fall 1998

ECES 281 Intro to Digital Design
ECES 340 Algorithms and Data Structures
ECES 396 VLSI Partitioning Research
ECES 398 Software Engineering
ECON 341 Money and Banking
MUSC 104 Theory II

Spring 1999

ASTR 201 The Sun and Planets
ECES 322 Computer Architecture
ECES 341 Intro to Databases
ECES 343 Theoretical Computer Science
ECES 396 VLSI Partitioning Research
ECES 425 Computer Communcation Networks

Spring 2000

ECES 345 Programming Language Concepts
ECON 309 Intermediate Microeconomics
MATH 110 Math Communication Software
MATH 330 Scientific Computing
THTR 100 Acting for Non-majors

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