Some of my Articles on Nuclear Issues

Prisoners of the Nuclear Dream
Article on Nuclear Costs and the Right to Information Act with J. Y. Suchitra, published in Hindustan Times
Weapon-Grade Plutonium Production Potential in the Indian Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor with Alexander Glaser, published in Science and Global Security
Costing Plutonium: Economics of Reprocessing in India with J. Y. Suchitra, published in International Journal of Global Energy Issues
Heavy Subsidies in Heavy Waterpublished in Economic and Political Weekly
Koodankulam Goes Nuclear with Manju Menon, published in Himal Magazine
Triumph of Fear with Zia Mian, published in Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
More Missiles Than Megawatts published in IEEE Spectrum magazine
Home, Next to N-Reactor with Praful Bidwai, published in Tehelka
Fight against global warming: N-energy wont help with G Ananthapadmanabhan, published in Deccan Herald
Feeding potential for South Asia’s nuclear fire with Zia Mian and Frank von Hippel, published in Herald Asahi
Economics of Nuclear Power: Subsidies and Competitiveness published in Economic and Political Weekly
Fissile Materials in South Asia and the Implications of the U.S.-India Nuclear Deal with Zia Mian, A.H. Nayyar, and R. Rajaraman, published in Science and Global Security
High Costs, Questionable Benefits of Reprocessing with J. Y. Suchitra, published in Economic and Political Weekly
Fissile Materials in South Asia: The Implications of the U.S.-India Nuclear Deal with Zia Mian, A.H. Nayyar, and R. Rajaraman, a report of the International Panel on Fissile Materials
Flaws in the pro-nuclear argument with J. Y. Suchitra, published in InfoChange India
Edited volume of Peace Now: The Bulletin of the Coalition for Nuclear Disarmament and Peace (CNDP)
Twenty Years after Chernobyl: Debates and Lessons published in Economic and Political Weekly
Nuclear Power: No Route to Energy Security with Suchitra J. Y., published in Energy Security Insights
Don’t Switch over to Nuclear Power published in The Economic Times
Wrong Ends, Means, and Needs: Behind the U.S. Nuclear Deal with India with Zia Mian, published in Arms Control Today
Hiroshima and Nagasaki: Experiments in Nuclear Mass Murder published in Peace Now: The Bulletin of the Coalition for Nuclear Disarmament and Peace (CNDP)
Feeding the Nuclear Fire with Zia Mian, published in Economic and Political Weekly
Economics of Nuclear Power in India with Amulya Reddy and Antonette D'Sa, published in Economic and Political Weekly
Nuclear Power and Global Warming published in The Friday Times
Indo-US Nuclear Deal published in The Friday Times
NPT Review Conference 2005 published in The Friday Times
Making Weapons, Talking Peace published in The News
A Fast Breeder of Danger published in The Indian Express
When early warning is no warning published in The Hindu
Reducing Nuclear Risk published in The Hindu
Uranium Enrichment in India published in International Network of Engineers and Scientists Against Proliferation Bulletin
Scientists, Nuclear Weapons, and the Peace Movementpublished in Economic and Political Weekly
Nuclear Early Warning in South Asia - Problems and Issues with R. Rajaraman and Zia Mian, published in Economic and Political Weekly
Early Warning in South Asia - Constraints and Implications with Zia Mian and R. Rajaraman, published in Science and Global Security
Nuclear Terrorism - the Greater Dangers published in The Daily Times
Need for Nuclear Transparency published in The Daily Times
The Arms Race Continues published in The Daily Times
The Nuclear Confrontation in South Asia with Zia Mian, published in SIPRI Yearbook 2003
Reprocessing: The Cons published in Outlookindia.Com
Review of "India's Emerging Nuclear Posture: Between Recessed Deterrent and Ready Arsenal" by Ashley Tellis published in Science and Global Security
Nuclear Weapons post Iraq published in The Daily Times
Russian Nuclear Forces published in The Daily Times
Opposing US Military Bases and Arms Sales published in The Daily Times
Nuclear Resurgence in the US published in The Daily Times
Steps to Peace published in The Daily Times
Compounding Mistakes: The Chashma Reactor published in The Daily Times
Remembering the Chernobyl Catastrophe published in The Daily Times
Phasing Out Nuclear Power in Europe published in The Daily Times
India: A Nuclear Update published as a Greenpeace Report
Assessing Emergency Plans published in The Daily Times
Steps to Indo-Pak Peace published in The Daily Times
Military planning and nuclear weapons published in The Daily Times
Reckless Challenges published in The Daily Times
False alarms and early warning systems published in The Daily Times
Deterrence: hope and reality published in The Daily Times
Nuclear deterrence: the inside look published in The Daily Times
Shared Understandings and Deterrence published in The Daily Times
Indo-Pak Military Crises: Some Fallouts published in The Daily Times
The Arrow Deal: India, Israel and the US published in The Daily Times
Impacts of Underground Nuclear Tests published in The Daily Times
Radioactive Fallout from Nuclear Testing published in The Daily Times
The Climate in South Asia: Hot and Nuclear published in Lines Magazine
Possession and Deployment of Nuclear Weapons in South Asia: An Assessment of Some Risks with R. Rajaraman and Zia Mian, published in Economic and Political Weekly
Bush-Putin Treaty published in The Daily Times
Nuclear War in South Asia with Matthew McKinzie, Zia Mian and A. H. Nayyar, published in Foreign Policy in Focus
Censorship in the Nuclear Age published in The Hindu
The Illogic of Civil Defence published in The Daily Times
Tactical Nuclear Weapons: Another Firebreak published in The Daily Times
Nuclear Instability and Militancy published in The Daily Times
Missiles and the Fast Delivery of Nuclear Destruction published in The Daily Times
Dubious Achievements of the BJP Government published in The Daily Times
Article on Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty Preparatory Committee Meeting published in The Daily Times
Article on the US Nuclear Posture Review published in The Friday Times
Beyond Missile Defense with Andrew Lichterman, Zia Mian and Jurgen Scheffran, a briefing paper from the International Network of Engineers and Scientists Against Proliferation and Western States Legal Foundation
Article on peace rally in New York published in The Daily Times
Lessons from the Cuban Missile Crisis for South Asia published in The Friday Times
Estimating Nuclear Waste Production in India with Dennis Thomas and Susy Varughese, Published in Current Science
Article on deployment of nuclear weapons in India published in Frontline
or India, Pakistan and the Bomb with A. H. Nayyar, Published in the Scientific American
Fast Breeders: Tall Promises, Poor Performance Published in The Hindu
Some possible nuclear risk reduction and confidence building agreements for consideration at the July 2001 Pakistan-India Summit with Zia Mian, A. H. Nayyar and Sandeep Pandey
Plutonium Dispersal and Health Hazards from Nuclear Weapon Accidents Published in Current Science
Fast Breeder Reactors: A Dying Breed Published in The Hindu
Scientists and India's Nuclear Bomb
Article on NMD and other US military programs with Andrew Lichterman of Western States Legal Foundation, published in Frontline
The Bomb of the Blue God published in SAMAR Magazine
The Concorde and the Nuclear Reactor published in Himal Magazine
Risks and Consequences of Nuclear Weapons Accidents in South Asia
Book Review of George Perkovich, India's Nuclear Bomb: The Impact on Global Proliferation published in Economic and Political Weekly
Book Review of George Perkovich, India's Nuclear Bomb: The Impact on Global Proliferation published in IEEE Spectrum
Bombing Bombay? Effects of Nuclear Weapons and a Case Study of a Hypothetical Explosion
Article on India's Draft Nuclear Doctrine published in The Hindu
For a Just Peace: The Anti-Nuclear Movement in India published in the Social Science Research Council Newsletter
Article on Nuclear Safety in The Hindu
Amending the NPT article with Zia Mian
Beyond Lahore: From Transparency to Arms Control article with Zia Mian, published in Economic and Political Weekly
Article on Cox Report published in Frontline
Article about heavy water leak in Kalpakkam published in Frontline
Reinventing the Arms Racepublished in Forum for Applied Research and Public Policy
Does India need the H-Bomb? with Frank von Hippel in The Hindu
Talk at the Los Alamos National Laboratory
Another talk at the Los Alamos National Laboratory
Stepping away from the Nuclear Abyss with Zia Mian,in International Network of Engineers and Scientists Against Proliferation Bulletin
India's Nuclear Program: From 1946 to 1998 in International Network of Engineers and Scientists Against Proliferation Bulletin
Nehru, Science and Secrecy An edited version appeared in the August 1998 issue of Anumukti
The South Asian Nuclear Tests: What the US could have done An edited version of this appeared as an Op-ed in the Asahi Shimbhun, Japan
India's Nuclear Bomb: Long in the Making published in Precis

Some of my articles have appeared on the Asia Europe Dialogue (ASED) website

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