Whats the difference between fantasy, and reallity?
A small boy came running into the den, he asked his father,
"Dad, whats the difference between fantasy, and reallity?
"Well son,"said Dad," Go upstairs and ask your big sister
if she would go to bed with a complete stranger for one
thousand dollars."
The little boy runs up to his sisters room,then returns to
report to his father," Yeah, Dad, Sis she would, for a thousand
"Okay, now go into the kitchen and ask your Mother the
same question", said the father.
The little boy runs into the kitchen, soon returns,"Yeah,
Dad, Mom said she sure would, for a thousand dollars."
"Now son, here is the difference,"said Dad," In fantasy,
we're two thousand dollars richer, and in reallity, we live
with a couple of whores".