Russian linguistic fun
Learning Russian is not only a hard work but a bit of a fun also.
Here are the examples of how the misuse of the words and illiteracy can
lead to some funny meaning.
Sometimes in Russia you will see an ad saying "Продаётся пол палатки".
The intended meaning was "Half of the pavilion is for sale", in Russian
it must be written as "Продаётся полпалатки", but the words "пол" and "палатки"
were improperly written apart, so the ad got the following funny meaning:
"The floor of the pavillion is for sale"
Verb "to be" in Russian is "быть", the present form of it is "есть" (in
English "am", "are", "is"), but there is another verb in Russian the infinitive
of which is "есть" - "to eat". Consider phrase "we were, we are, we will
be", in Russian it will be "Мы были, мы есть, мы будем", but the people
when the want to make some fun out of it say "Мы были, мы есть, мы будем
есть" which means "We were, we are, we will eat"
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Created - 13.06.99.
Last update - 13.06.99.