Claims to Fame and Ghost Stories.


Brushes With Greatness

Dave Stout- I once met Joel Hyatt ("my name is Joel Hyatt, and you have my word on it'). He was a big shot lawyer who ran for Ohio Senate or something. He lost and I haven't seen him on TV since.
I once got an e mail from one of the guys in Devo (of "Whip It" fame). The one guy went to Kent and the other Akron.

Carol Stout, my mom- She told me a family tale about a possible great grandsomebody who might have been an illegimate son of a prince of Sweden. I am sure everyone's family has a story like this.

Susan Loncar, sister- She saw Bernie Kosar at a Kent party in the early 90's.

Jeff Murphy, friend- He met washed up wrestler Lex Luger at Geauga Lake. Jeff says he looked tired and annoyed.

Rob Ritchey, fraternity brother and patriarch of my fraternity family- He saw the infamous Rocky Roads at an Akron strip club.

Liz Boyer-Piatt, Undergraduate Studies Bigshot- She met Anita Hill once. Liz says she was nice.

Tim "TMFP" Paul, fraternity brother- He is a distant cousin of 70's sensation Rod Stewart.

Gene Stout, my dad- He says he met Soupy Sales once. He said hello.
Also, one of my dad's fraternity brothers (early 60's TKE at Indiana) founded Noble Romans Pizza.

Did I leave out your brush with greatness? Click below to e mail me.


Ghost Stories.

I never believed in ghosts until I moved into the fraternity house a few years ago. The house was built in the 20s and is across Main St. from the university (Sherman Street to be exact) so I am sure the walls could tell some interesting stories.
Anyway, I'd be alone in the living room at night watching Letterman and I would hear somebody walking up the stairs. You know the creaking sound when someone steps on the stair; well, I would hear exactly three steps. I thought it was someone coming home from the bar; still I got suspicious. I asked Fish who was going up the steps.
He told me about the ghost. Appearantly it was a benevolent specter and several brothers heard it, including Rob Wolf, John Goodnight, and Tim Paul.
He and others told me the ghost liked to move little brother paddles around and even one time saved Rob Wolf from falling down the third story stairs.
All of these brothers are trustworthy guys and had no reason to lie.
They believe that some people are more tuned into ghosts and can sense them more easily than others. Though I only heard steps creak, I am a believer.
