Just a few pictures of my friends and family. A bit unorganized, but once I figure out this stuff, it shouldn't take too long... I hope... =)

The 1999 Philippine Student Association Ladies Ricebowl Team * Me and my sisters at the Ricebowl Tourney

Me and my pal BJ * Me and my Schnuck's buddy Cathy * Me and my ading Romel

The $600 club : The money-est cultural crew in PSA History * CUBE RATS!!

Clickers Rule!

Note/Nutt, my punching bag * The monkey on my back, Eric * Romel, me and John

Me, Fatima, and Cathy with Jamie the stud * Vern, who's SUPPOSED to be my ice skating buddy…DISS!

My little ray of sunshine, my sister, Fatima * Our attempt at a cheerleading pyramid * Dinner at Biaggi's

Al, my pal * Eric, Christine, what are you doing? Never mind, I don't want to know. * My girl, Mel

The 1 hour girls- Allison, Jenny, me, and Mel … "we're only going to stay for an hour…" * 5 hours later…Naptime!

The "under the table" threesome… plus some friends and some drinks… equals a rough morning for Claudine…


More to come…