Gelcoat Repairs: Cracks, Air pockets and Scratches


Make sure that you are in control of your Drywall Knife. Do not in any way; let it slip on you, that could create much more work for you. It is better to carve one 1/4 of an inch at a time and move your hand again then trying to go for one inch and slip where you don't want to go.

Do this on both sides of the crack, approximately 20° to 25° on each side of the crack. Don't forget not to touch the carving with your fingers, it could leave a dark stain between the old gelcoat and the new gelcoat in the carving. If you have to remove some particles left in the carving, use your Drywall Knife blade, as shown in next picture.

  1. Now with a tooth pick or a fine wire, fill up the carving with gelcoat, (by dipping it in the gelcoat and by bringing it into the carving). Make sure you're not going over the good surface, that would give you more sanding, but on the other hand you want to make sure you have completely filled the carving.
  2. Slowly move the toothpick or the wire back and forth in the carving to make the gelcoat adhere, or stick to the old gel. surface, and also to give a chance to any air bubbles in the gel. to go up to the surface. If any small air bubbles are left in the gel., they will leave pin holds in the new gel. area when you will be sanding and polishing. (More Info)
  3. If you have a steady hand and wish to use a grinder instead of a Drywall Knife, I will show you later how to use it.

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