Bents IFMSA page

To see the EOM2000, Kuopio, Finland Participants database CLICK HERE
The IFMSA-test-page
And the Mindmap first version
And the Second Mindmap version

Here are a couple of different IFMSA-related items :

  1. The questionnaire of GA 1998 in html format.
  2. The NMO edition of the questionnaire.
  3. A downloadable ZIP version of the in MS-Excel format (Office97).
  4. Here to download the MS-Excel5.0/95 version

I did not intend to keep the results to the quesionnaire to myself. I simply have not got around to manipulating the data and making it available yet. My mistake !!!

  1. The html versions of the quesionnaires are rather hard to get a fix on and to maintain overview.
  2. The NMO-limited file is not much better
  3. Please download the .zip file. Manipulate it in MS-Excel. To the best of my knowlegde it is free of virus. If you perform further calculation upon the file, please attach it in zipped format to me. In this way I can add the new calculations to the html and the zip-file.
  4. This is the same zip-file. But it is saved for windows95 MS-office.