Retirement Villas
Queretaro, MEXICO

Retirement Villas
Queretaro, MEXICO

3 Language study centers, offering:

5 Workshops, equipped for:

4 Multi-purpose rooms, for:

A Central Complex, with:

3 restaurants , featuring:
  • Vegetarian cuisine
  • Mexican specialities
  • International Dishes

  • Retirement Villas/Queretaro will provide 24-hours security, nurses on call in each of the four quadrants, and 24-hour house physician.

    Additionally, each suite will have a wireless intercom so that in an emergency, residents can call inmediately fos assistance from the nursing staff anf doctor-on-call.

    An ambulance will be available on the grounds for rapid transportation to local doctors and hospitals.

    Transportation to and from the center of town be offered every half-hour.

    Services will be maintained through Association dues included in a Meal Plan.

    Residents may choose from a plan wich includes wither fisteen-day, twenty-day or daily meal service.

    Each day that a resident is taking advantage of his prepaid food plan, he will receive three "daily specialty" meals.

    All suites will be completely furnished, with:

    Queen-size beds, two bedside tables, headboard, fully-equipeped kitchen, microwave oven, recliner, as well as dining and living room furniture. The residents dues will include daily cleaning of the suite and laundry service.

    A Community
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