H O M E P A G E !

This is the homepage of my class 95C11 from Hwa Chong Junior College, Singapore . It is designed like a class diary just like the ones we used to scribble in during lectures instead of paying attention to the lecturers. It records the wonderful memories that we had and also statistics regarding the class. If you have any information regarding other batches of the civics tutorial class of C11 or any suggestions / comments, please do tell me about it.


On 8th of August , 1995 , 95C11 placed a class photograph in a time capsule which was buried on that day in school . It is to be opened twenty years later in the year 2015 . Although it is highly unlikely that everyone will remember this , but wouldn't it be great if we could have a class reunion when we are thirty seven ?!

Do leave messages on the one and only C11 Message Board !! All are welcome and keep those messages coming !!

[Explanation of name of class] | [Biodata of class] | [Origins of class] | [Our tutors] | [Our photos] | [Our grand juniors' (97C11)'s photos] | [Our history] | [Some interesting facts] | [Our whereabouts] | [Our links] | [Birthday stars] | [C11's Message Board]

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