Information about 95C11

   Explanation of the name of the class

   Biodata of the class

Total strength = 25

  Members of the class were from ( In descending order )

River Valley [8] = Hern Cheng , Suh Buea , Pui Yee , Lee Peng , Mui Sun , Hui Hoon , Siew Nam , Yun Uei
Chinese High [6] = David , Chee Ming , Wee Yee , Kian Tiong , Lip Chee , Eng Sheng
Dunman High = Pin Chin , Hwei San
Nanyang Girls = Mei Yan , Liang Huan
Raffles Girls = Joan , Koh Wee
St. Nicks = Catherine , Stella
Bukit Panjang Govt. High = Lina
Crescent Girls = Edna
Methodist Girls = Colley

   Subject Tutors

   Whereabouts of 95C11'ians ( Ex-C11ians are marked with * )

.:.:. Gals .:.:.
Some are working at Big 5 accounting firms, Monetary Authority of Singapore, banks, statutory board, ministry etc, being employed as external auditors, tax officers, compliance officer, credit officer, sales specialist, assistant accountant, accountant, teacher, management executive. One is in Taiwan, where she was from and one is doing bible studies and works in her church.

.:.:. Guys .:.:.
London School of Economics = *Seak Khit
NTU Accountancy = Hern Cheng, David
NTU Business Studies = Eng Sheng , *Aaron
NTU Engineering = *Wee Siang
NUS Arts and Social Science = Kian Tiong
NUS Building & Real Estate = Wee Yee
NUS Business Administration = Lip Chee , Chee Ming

  Our links

97C11's homepage
Koh Wee's homepage
Edna's homepage
Liang Huan's homepage
David's homepage (C.T. rep of 95C11)
*Wee Siang's homepage
Lee Peng's homepage

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