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Archived Book reviews

Madam & Eve's Greatest Hits
by S Francis, H Dugmore & Rico.
Penguin, 1997, Soft Cover.
An excellent omnibus collection of cartoons which can be used to seed class discussions on the many issues raised by South Africa's favourite cartoon duo. Remember to claim the price of the book back in tax - it's for educational purposes, not just for a good giggle!
Resource Books for Teachers - Writing
by Tricia Hedge.
Oxford University Press, 1988, Soft Cover.
Part of an excellent series of resource books for teachers, although over ten years old, this is a must for any library. The book presents many ideas and exercises for encouraging writing skills. The focus is very much on the process of writing, and how to teach "how" to write. This is a book you need to re-read every so often. Even if you do not follow the lessons in the book, it will give you plenty of ideas.
Working For The Future - A Teacher'sGuide
by Gay Seidman & Janet Stuart.
International Foundation for Education with Production, Gaborone, 1990, Soft Cover.
This book is a real gem. Although not aimed specifically at the English teacher - the role plays and simulation games presented are resources to treasure. Many of the lessons, aimed at Development Studies or local history, could form part of a Language Across the Curriculum initiative, be used together with language work on related articles, or to stimulate research. I cannot recommend this book highly enough!
Creative English Teaching
by Kate Turkington, Peter Southey & Robin Gilfillian.
Lexicon Publishers, 1991, Soft Cover.
Local is lekker! This is a rare thing, a South African teaching resource book, and deserves accolades on this count alone. Although some ten years old now, the exercises and ideas in this book are still relevant. The exercises are fairly flexible, with variants presented. This is the sort of book you'll want to have on your desk so that it can be plundered from time to time.
The Strange Affair of Adelaide Harris
by Leon Garfield.
Pantheon, 1971 $4.00 Hard Cover.
Leon Garfield is a popular writer of children's literature, but one whom adults can read with enormous enjoyment. He does not shy away from adult themes, and has a wry sense of humour, nowhere better displayed than in this classic novel - now out-of-print, but available in ex-library stock. If you do not have a personal copy of this book, you should have. This is a book to re-read at any age!

If you have not read the book, I envy you your first reading.
