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Rahul Neotia's
Home Page
Hello fellow Internet surfer and welcome to my home page. I'm very glad that you made it this far . . . and I hope that you'll stick around long enough to get to know just a little bit more about me and my life. After all, these days, acquaintances that begin in cyberspace are often the most real, vivid, and long-lasting - and maybe that will be true of us.
My Background
I am from India & am 23 years old.
You must already have guessed my name by now. Right - my name is
Rahul Neotia.
And, before we go any further (not that I'm looking to get hired as
i am already working with one of the coolest software companies at the
moment), here's my resume.
My Interests
I guess that the best - and fastest - way to
really get to know me
is by discovering what I like. So here goes . . .
I love to chat on IRC (you can always catch me on #bombay on dalnet, i have become
an irc addict in the past 2 years) ,surf the net and listening to songs (got a
600 MB+ collection of MP3 + 50 MB of Real audio and another 5 MB of midis).
Besides i am also very much into stamps & coin collections.
My Personal Records
I have completed my Graduation and also became a Chartered Accountant in May 1998.
I am working presently with i2 Technologies at their Bombay Office.
Links to My Favorite Sites
Institute of Chartered Accountants of India