Rose? Duckie? Who?

Right. Who is this creature who calls herself Rose? Well, let's find out the answer to some questions. Perhaps that will give up a more accurate picture of her.

Where is she from? Northern California. The redwoods, the mountains, the rivers, the ocean. Everything wonderful in life.

Where is she now?In the "heart of America," in the middle of no where, in the middle of a cornfield, on top of a hill.

What is she like? Do you remember back in grade school that little girl who had torn dresses and looked like she ate paste? That's not Rose.

Is she still not like that? Ummmm, the answer to this is tough. Right now she is happy with who she is. She had a core group of friends and a large group of friendly acquaintances. She just is. It's hard to describe her beyond that. What are you looking for, anyway?

Tell me a story about her. Just one story? You're making it difficult. Of course, this becomes one of those times when you know you have a million stories but you can't think of a single one. How about a "Rose is an idiot" story? Okay.

So Rose was playing Monopoly (a favorite of hers) one day with Lindsey and Jonah. She traded some of her property with Lindsey in exchange for two of the orange properties. She granted Lindsey immunity (not having to pay when she landed there) on the oranges, and was granted immunity by Lindsey on the color she gave her. A few turns go by. Rose decides she wants the other orange, which Jonah owns. She gives Jonah a red he needed for the orange she wanted, but only if she got immunity on the red. He granted that, asking for immunity on the orange, which Rose granted. You the reader surely see the flaw in this. Rose, on the other hand, did not until Jonah pointed out a few turns later that both he and Lindsey had immunity on the orange property. Rose had no one to collect money from on those properties. She quickly mortgaged them to get some money out of it and felt like an idiot for the rest of the game.

Is there anything else I need to know about Rose? Just that she will update this site at some point (yeah, I know, everyone says that in websites, so it's basically implied, but whatever) and she loves you very very much, unless she doesn't.

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