Life Here at FSU

Since coming to Florida State last year, I've met some of the best people a person could ever meet.

Tonya was the first person I met here because she was my roommate. I was so lucky to get this godsend. We got along awesome. She's hysterical, and she won't tolerate anyone in a bad mood. My jaw gets tired from laughing every time we're together.

After Tonya, Nora was the second person I met here. She was a trip, always out to have fun. There's never a dull -- or quiet! -- moment when she's around. Unfortunately, we don't live that close to each other anymore, but make treks to visit whenever we get the chance.

On September 9, 1996, Nora and I met Rafael who 2 months later became my current boyfriend :) Here's a picture of us -- I'm the one in the dress :) (ha! ha!). He's always out for a laugh, and funny voices are his specialty. He's like Nora -- the joker that brings me out of my shell, and I'm glad for that. We've been together almost 2 years, and they've been wonderful. He listens to country music, and we always pick the same sub at Subway without our planning it! I love that he has such great goals in life and I admire him for his persistance and drive to make himself all that he possibly can. He also has a bizarre fascination with squirrels and .

Rafael, me, & Nora

Rafael, me, & Nora

These two symbolize my life here at school. They are the ones I turn to when I need anything. And they're always more than willing to give 110%. I love them.

Then there's Joe. He and I met when we lived in the same dorm and he's my "football friend." When in doubt about ANY sport, see him.


Even Cartman says so!

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