Active - Member of the fraternity. An active has gone through the pledge process and has been inititated.

Bid - A fraternity's official, written invitation to join their organization.

Cut - ("to be cut") To not be invited back to a fraternity.

Depledging - To decide to drop out of a fraternity after having accepted a bid. Normally, you can not join another fraternity for a specified time after your depledging.

Dry Rush - No alcohol allowed at all, for any functions.

Early Bid - Being offered a bid from a fraternity before bid day.

Formal Parties - Parties that are scheduled to have certain rush groups come through at specified times--in association with formal rush.

Formal Rush - Organized by Interfraternity Council; scheduled parties and time-limited events. Usually held during the fall or spring.

Hazing - Being forced to do things that are against your will, and violate you as a human being. Hazing is illegal in most states.

Hotboxing - Unequal ratio of actives to rushee(s); usually involves actives heavily pressuring rushee(s) to accept their bid. Against the rules of the IFC.

Informal Parties - Parties that do not follow specific schedules. Rather, rushees are allowed to come and go as they please.

Informal Rush - Not an organized event; up to the individual to meet people at the various houses--can take place anytime.

Initiation - Ceremony in which pledges become actives.

Interfraternity Council (IFC) - Group at every school who make rules for the fraternity system. The IFC coordinates formal rush and consists of a board of members from the individual fraternities.

Pledge - Status of someone who has accepted a bid, but has not yet been inititated.

Philanthrophy - Organization a fraternity does community service work for.

Pledge Class - Group of people who accepted a bid to the same fraternity and are pledging together.

Preference Cards - Cards rushees fill out to outline which fraternities they would like to go back to for formal parties--and then later, which bids they would accept.

Preference Parties - The final parties before bidding begins.

Quiet Hours - Time in which fraternities hold meetings to make decisions about rushees. Rush to have any contact with actives, pledges, alumni, housemothers, or anyone associated with fraternities--either at th chapter or at another chapter.

Rush Counselor - Someone designated by the Interfraternity Council to look after the needs of their rush group. Your rush counselor is there to see that rush runs well, and that rules are obeyed.

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