Welcome to our Description of Offices

General Offices

President--keeps everyone in line!

VP Membership--Helps with the first meeting by sending out letters. Helps the president with duties.

VP Scheduling--Manages the calendars for the year; plans events and who will be the contact for each event.

Philanthropy--Plans at least two philanthropy events during the year.

Historian--Takes pictures at each event and creates an album at the end of the year. (This usually requires you to be at every meeting, or to delegate if you can't attend)

Corresponding Secretary--Writes for the Triangle about our events once a year.

Panhellenic Delegate--Attends panhellenic meetings (once a month?) and reports to the alumnae.

Panhellenic Alternate--Helps the delegate by attending meetings, etc.

Recording Secretary--Takes notes and role at business meetings.

Alumni Liasion--Coordinates events with Lambda (rush, initiation) and keeps in touch with the actives.


Jessica Amos Stepp
San Jose Sigma Kappa Alumnae Chapter