Links to My Friends

Here's some links to friends of mine:

I went to highschool with Corey Roussel. Actually, I suppose I went to junior high and elementary school with him, too, but our friendship was mostly in high school (and after). He goes to Duke.

I've never actually met Jamahl Epsicokhan He lives in Illinois, but I liked his website and we started e-mailing each other a bit.

My brother, Jared's page isn't as witty as mine, but it is worth a link if you have extra time.

I went to junior high and high school with Ryan McCarter but he accidentally went to OSU instead of OBU. Go by and see his page.

Jon Bartlett used to be my neighbor, but then he went and got married. He'll be a pastor in Maine some day.

If you are one of my friends and you want a link to your page to be included on my page, tell me your URL. I have found myself to be quite poor at guessing them.

Greg Mackey is a computer science student at OBU. He started in music taking music classes with me and ended up taking math classes with me. Let's hear it for another OSSM graduate!

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