Eliasī life
Here you will find things about me, my life and town and some photos of them.

I was born a sunny day of October 1979, the last day of the month, so at the moment (24th. of September 1997) Iīm seventeen years old. I was made in Ourense, a beautiful small city in the north of Spain. I really enjoy my city very much. Here is in where I spent my marvellous childhood and I have got my closest friends in here. If you come to Galicia, be sure to visit Ourense. You wonīt be dissapointed! :-)


Last June I finished my High Courses and I applied to the university. I passed the accesing exam and I finally reached at Vigo University where Iīm studying the first course of Engeenering of Telecommunications. As you have probably guessed, I enjoy telecommunications a lot, I think it is deeply joined to my blood :D So Iīm very happy, cause after 3 years studying things that I didnīt like very much, I can finally study what I always wanted to :)

For those of you who are wondering, this is me...

Yes, the almost-a-men above itīs me. The photo was taken in a ship last summer, and it was almost our "spanishīs siesta" time (we had had a huge lunch!) so thatīs why I was wearing sunglasses and my face is such a stupid one (laughing out loud of myself!!).

Thatīs all about my life. If you want to see more about my hobbies, come back to the main page


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