This page is devoted entirely to the mythical existence of DragonEye. Eye is an ancient Silver Dragon banished from the land of Krynn when the Gods exiled themselves...Dragons being close to the Gods left the land in turn, leaving only the lesser beings upon the orb, Krynn.
Eye stands at nearly 130' feet from nose to tail and is 42' from forepaws to shoulder. The great master is 1521 years old but feels like he's 1517 instead...Eye's breath weapon is that of biting frost & ice...A mistake one could make would be to prod at the Magic of Buka, doing this would induce the leviathan to snurk at one's bunghole freezing it shut so that one may not be able to let any more fowl excrement eminate from one's rude bowls. Nasty, eh? One usually can't sit down for awhile after this episode either as it would hurt tremendously...Eye is as I have already mentioned, of the Meatllic Good Dragons, being that of the Silver Breed, cousin to the Golds. GlimmerBeam is Eye's favourite cousin...
DragonEye now resides in the Land of Chat, A land of eterenal chaos and anarchy. A truely great place to waste many an hour splurging in meaningless conversation with vampires, kender, rodents, dukes, dragons, and other races...maybe even some humans!! This is Land in which Eye was reborn after banishment, rebirth was in February of 1997. The Land of Chat has never been the same since...*EG*...Eye is the Master of Fate afterall...It was in this great land that the ancient language of B'ukastan emerged from it's lost tomb...More on the language of the Master Race will follow in the months to come
For now that is all that you will learn of DragonEye...More will come as he lives out his life...
Banastra binkala Breshkaii!!