Michael P. Gronseth - 04/27/00 03:42:04
Your College or Alma Mater: University of Minnesota
Team's Mascot: Golden Gopher
I thought I was the only guy with this name..good thing we live in different parts of the country
11/16/99 11:08:22
Name: Free For Chat | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Nizzawebsite. Dank für das Lassen ich Ihr guestbook unterzeichnen
Bethany - 07/14/99 00:44:13
Your College or Alma Mater: Ferris
Team's Mascot: Bulldog
I will be at Ferris in the fall, and I hope it is as awesome as you say!!
Erika Carr - 04/29/99 18:11:02
My URL:http://www.IHaveNoWebPage.com
My Email:lucky17@wowmail.com
Your College or Alma Mater: If I had One I would tell YA!!!!
Team's Mascot: If I had one I would tell YA!!!!
I really am like your home page!!!! I am looking at college's now. And Ferris is At the top of my list!!!!!!!
Super Nova - 04/14/99 18:57:49
My URL:http://www.freez.com/novatech
My Email:novatech@deskmail.com
heheh nice page but mine better hehhe
mike zilska - 04/13/99 15:56:36
My Email:zach450@hotmail.com
Your College or Alma Mater: n/a
Team's Mascot: n/a
i dont go to college i am a freshman at montrose high school and i am interested in going to ferris so if you could would you send me some information on ferris? it would be greatly appreciated.
thanks, mike
Tor Grønseth - 04/12/99 07:29:36
My Email:Tor-Erik.Gronseth@eknes.gs.bu.no
I am a norwegian teacher working with youths with psychiatric problems.i live in drammen norway.
Jane - 12/31/98 05:40:48
My Email:rjlarter@mn.uswest.net
Your College or Alma Mater: University of MN
Team's Mascot: Gopher
Came across your sight when looking for some Gronseth genealogy. My mother's maiden name is Gronseth. Do you have relatives in Minnesota?
Craig Hamelund - 12/29/98 20:06:13
My Email:craig.hamelund@state.or.us
Your College or Alma Mater: Ferris State University
Team's Mascot: You know
1993 graduate of Industrial & Environmental Health Mgt. Was (and will always be, I guess)a 'townie' - graduated BRHS in 1989. Good school. Good town. Go Bulldog Hockey! I worked at the ice arena for 3+ years. Enjoy. Is "Rusty" still perched at the
outh end of Top Taggert Field?
Susan Chapman - 09/26/98 18:36:06
My Email:viprezz@hotmail.com
Your College or Alma Mater: Baker College
Team's Mascot: who knows
I was just wondering how do i get any information on the golf team up there? It's not for me, its for my boyfriend that would like to attend there but also needs information on the golf team. I have no clue how to find stats or who to contact for any in
ormation. Please if you have any contact me at my email address. thank you. susan
Shawn Roberts - 08/19/98 17:04:43
My URL:http://www.yahoo.com
My Email:ferrislover@yahoo.com
Your College or Alma Mater: ferris fall of 99
Team's Mascot: Bulldogs
E-mail me some time.
Woodbridge N Ferris 111 - 06/17/98 04:41:26
My Email:STP349071@aol.com
Good luck. Enjoy your time at FSU
Renee - 06/06/98 04:04:07
Your College or Alma Mater: Central Michigan U
Team's Mascot: Chippewas
Hey, Michael. The page looks great (no surprise there). Glad you're doing so well. Good luck with the job hunt.
Philippe - 06/04/98 15:03:48
My Email:leloi1@hotmail.com
Your College or Alma Mater: Florida International University
Team's Mascot: Golden Panthers
HI! I'm too a pre-optometry student, and next fall
will be my sophomore year. I'd like to exchange
with any other pre-OP student out there on
information about getting into this school, the
profession itself, etc. Please answer me back as
soon as possible.
Philippe - 06/04/98 15:01:52
My Email:leloi1@hotmail.com
Your College or Alma Mater: Florida International University
Team's Mascot: Golden Panthers
HI! I'm too a pre-optometry student, and next fall
will be my sophomore year. I'd like to exchange
with any other pre-OP student out there on
information about getting into this school, the
profession itself, etc. Please answer me back as
soon as possible.
Jason A. Marshall - 05/26/98 20:10:46
My Email:Urtedyber@aol.com
Hey guys and girls. This is my man so no funny stuff. I love you sweety. Your the very meaning of my life and my reason for living. Hugs and Kisses
Christopher Shannon - 04/27/98 17:09:41
Your College or Alma Mater: Innisdale High School
Team's Mascot: Invaders
Hilary - 04/05/98 17:33:38
My Email:hapopp@ibm.net
Your College or Alma Mater: Soon to be at Ferris State!
Team's Mascot: Bulldogs
Hey, just thought I should get in contact with someone else who goes to Ferris. Right now I live in Oconomowoc, Wisconsin. I am currently a senior in high school, but I am going to a local university for a few classes. I will be entering the pre-nuclea
medicine program at Ferris next year.
If ya want to take a look at me I am on a webpage advertising my senoir at ....
www.jtmphoto.com (I am on the first page top right.) :0)
I hope to hear from ya.
Lisa Zumberg (Stibitz) - 04/01/98 15:09:46
My Email:zum@dnamail.com
Your College or Alma Mater: Ferris State
Team's Mascot: bulldogs
Lisa Zumberg (Stibitz) - 04/01/98 15:08:00
My Email:zum@dnamail.com
Your College or Alma Mater: Pharmacy
Jena Blouw - 03/09/98 20:00:20
My Email:jena_blouw@sefton.com
Your College or Alma Mater: Ferris State
Team's Mascot: GO DOGS!
Cute site - nice to see Ferris on the internet. Bummed I missed the honors dorm program, the first year of the Freshman Challenge was quite a trip!
Jamie T. - 02/24/98 16:33:48
My Email:Jayme23@aol.com
Your College or Alma Mater: MSU
Team's Mascot: Spartans
You look like a little kid. Well in your senior pics.
Well thats what my friends think
Write to me somtime
matt burns - 02/18/98 03:01:20
My Email:burnsmat@student.ferris.edu
Your College or Alma Mater: FERRIS STATE UNIVERSITY
Team's Mascot: BULLDOGS!!!!!!
Hi Mike,
How are you? I too am a FSU student. I'm a sophomore
at this time, also studying pre-opt. I have a lot of notes and
homework for the classes that you are taking or will be taking.
I'd like to get together with you sometime and talk some
pre-opt talk. Please write back and let me know how it's
Curt Richardson - 02/13/98 22:42:15
My Email:Crichardson@ameritech.net
Your College or Alma Mater: Ferris state
Team's Mascot: BullDog
1990 Criminal Jusitice Graduate, Lived for 2 years in Travis hall and 2 years on Rose Ave. Enjoy your time at Ferris and Study Hard.
"Soccerman" - 02/09/98 21:00:47
Team's Mascot: Norm the Niner
Your a cutie!! :)
Lars Bo Gronsedt - 02/07/98 11:13:42
My Email:gronsedt@pacific.net.sg
Hej Michael,
Do you know where your name is from ? My family have been in doubt about the spelling and they talked about Gronsedt and Gronset and Gronseth. Do you have some interesting news about the name ?
Lars Bo Gronsedt
Brad Newell - 02/02/98 01:46:55
My Email:bnewell@grfn.org
Your College or Alma Mater: Ferris State
Team's Mascot: Bulldog
I am just surfing the net looking at Ferris stuff because I am going to be attending school there and playing football. You have a pretty good page.
Becky Leinonen - 01/18/98 20:59:37
My Email:bleinonen@hotmail.com
Your College or Alma Mater: FSU
Team's Mascot: bulldog
Hello Michael. I am sure I will have an enjoyable time looking at your web page. Thanks for getting me here. I hope you have a great semester.
Chas - 01/17/98 07:10:49
My URL:http://www.gwi.net/~cwilbur
My Email:cwilbur@gwi.net
Your College or Alma Mater: Bowdoin College
Team's Mascot: Polar Bears
Go get 'em, pledge. :) -- N.
Jeremiah a.k.a. "Wheels" - 01/10/98 04:46:20
My URL:/CollegePark/Quad/7015
My Email:wheelsieboy@mailcity.com
Your College or Alma Mater: The University of Texas at San Antonio
Team's Mascot: The Roadrunners
Cool page....but it needs pics :)
Julie King - 12/14/97 19:19:59
My Email:JulieMking@student.ferris.edu
Your College or Alma Mater: FSU
Team's Mascot: Bulldogs!!!!
Hey! Look what ya find when you look up FSU! good luck with your studies, don't party too much at the parties that get busted anyway...If you need any help, I'm still up at school, finishing up my Master's in Criminal Justice Adm. Go Dawgs!
Joe Hibberd - 11/29/97 21:12:15
My Email:joe.hibberd@co.ramsey.mn.us
Your College or Alma Mater: Ferris State U.
Team's Mascot: Go Bulldogs !!
Michael --
I found your web page while searching for "Ferris State". I am a 1977 grad of Ferris State COLLEGE! (ancient history, eh?) My wife graduated in '79. We both graduated in Environmental Health in the School of Allied Health. I lived in Carlisle Hall fo
2 years. I was president of FEHA (Ferris Environmental Health Assn.), a senator from AH, and a member of Chi Gamma Iota (XGI). Presently I work for the St. Paul - Ramsey County (Minnesota) Dept. of Public Health in the Environmental Health Division.
Good job on your web page. I enjoyed reading it.
Good luck at FSU.
-- Joe, class of '77
Keith Gronseth - 11/15/97 04:04:51
My Email:KWGronseth@aol.com
Your College or Alma Mater: Negaunee Middle School
Team's Mascot: Miners
Stephenie Santos - 11/01/97 10:15:20
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ok/masterpiecenikokoy/index.html
My Email:stephenie_santos@hotmail.com
Your College or Alma Mater: Albert Einstein School in the Philippines
just surfing on the net...! good luck and more power to you...I hope to be your friend...
Candie Larson - 10/25/97 23:59:24
My Email:klarson@up.net
Hi ! How are you? I will be getting email really soon! I can't wait. I will email you and let you know my address as soon as I get it. Well, I better go now. Bye!
Carrie Youngs - 10/20/97 14:55:35
Your College or Alma Mater: Newaygo High School
Team's Mascot: Lion
I can't wait to join you next year, with my cousin Drew Dietz
cory - 10/15/97 19:21:26
Your College or Alma Mater: Bay De Noc Community
Team's Mascot: Norsmen
Just cheking out the college
Alan Thorne - 10/10/97 23:57:42
My Email:Thorne@utech.net
Your College or Alma Mater: MTU
Team's Mascot: Husky
Bet you thought I would never sign this, Michael. I finally have the time to. Very nice web page and I'm looking forward to seeing the progress on it!
Uncle Alan
Irene - 10/10/97 22:16:59
My Email:ipchayap@mtu.edu
Your College or Alma Mater: Michigan Tech
Team's Mascot: Huskies
Hi Mike, I told you I will get to sign in your guest book.
Heather Thorne - 10/09/97 23:41:38
My Email:Thorne@utech.net
Your College or Alma Mater: AHC
Team's Mascot: Bulldogs!!!!!!
Cool page, Michael!!!!I can't wait to see more!
Your fellow bulldog,
Jonathon Bosley - 10/08/97 21:39:40
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/Quad/1943/
My Email:bosleyjo@student.ferris.edu
Your College or Alma Mater: Ferris State University
Team's Mascot: Bulldog
Nice page.
Barb Thorne - 10/07/97 23:56:43
My Email:Thorne@utech.net
Your College or Alma Mater: NMU
I got to your web site, Michael, I'm taking a class through the school district I work for on intermediate and advanced internet and I am learning how to make a web page. Good Job!
Sarah Frederickson - 10/07/97 21:32:40
My Email:sfrederi@nmu.edu
Your College or Alma Mater: NMU
Team's Mascot: Wildcat
Hi, Michael. You're my favorite Bulldog
Little Bulldog - 10/07/97 17:03:56
Your College or Alma Mater: Ferris State U.
Team's Mascot: The Bulldog
I don't know. Anything.
Eunice Gronseth - 10/07/97 15:15:31
My Email:egron@aol.com
Your College or Alma Mater: NMU
Team's Mascot: Wildcats (Shelties)
Hello Michael,