Colin Westwater's Homepage

Hi, and thanks for having a look at my Homepage. My name is Colin Westwater and I live (and study) in Glasgow, Scotland. This page, like so may others on the Web is still under construction but hopefully it will be finished soon.
So far I have the following pages on-line:

My links page has my links to my favourite sites on the Web including FHM, Firenet,Celtic FC, and the University I attend, The University of Strathclyde (the best Uni in Scotland!!).
The next page is a collection of pictures of the goddess Philippa Forrester.
Now for the good stuff, the official Quarters Web page. I won't say anymore, so just take a look!
Finally, there is a page about me, in case anyone is interested.

One last request - take a moment to sign my guestbook guestbook or drop me a email - I will reply to anyone who drops me a line! Just click on the appropriate icon below. C-Ya soon.

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Page designed and coded by Colin Westwater, © Colin Westwater 1999
Coded using DiDaPro32. Last Updated 22nd January 1999