Bekki's Guestbook

06/23/00 06:59:25
Name: dikinbutt
My URL: Visit Me

Thou shall pheer huge in your face text disclaimer.

11/16/99 12:12:48
Name: Free For Chat My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Website de Niza. Gracias por dejarme firmar su guestbook

10/30/99 18:50:08

10/23/99 00:31:22
Name: Angel Sere My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 19 School if any: College Fav Music: anything but country and rap
Fav Book: The Greatest Genereation Fav Cartoon: Sailor Moon Fav Food: Pizza


Please sign the guestbook!!


08/02/99 22:19:58
Name: Rob Abbott My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 24 Fav Music: Country, Classic Rock Fav Book: A Bachelor and his Cat
Fav Cartoon: Johnny Bravo Fav Food: Subway currently

Nice site. I am workin on the site for the Fire Dept. check it out someday. Nice to have met you also, sort-of met.

07/26/99 02:37:16
Name: ozzy My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 26 School if any: none Fav Music: all except for country
Fav Cartoon: casper Fav Food: white pizza

thanks for letting me see your pages they are great one day i want to do that too. thanks again ozzy

07/08/99 21:34:58
Name: Lena My URL: Visit Me
Age: 19 School if any: YHC

tHE NOTYHING else matters song is by metallica everybody wants to rule the world is by tears for fears and the next two( that includes sweet dreams are made of this song) are by annie lennox ( sweet dreams was covered by marylin manson also)

07/08/99 21:15:55
Name: Mini Me- Lena My URL: Visit Me
Age: 19 School if any: yhc

You crazy chick you changed your page around! I finally got this stupid computer on line. Hooray!1

06/29/99 19:54:25
Name: *Moonshine* My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Age: 16
School if any: churchill Fav Music: manson, nin, orgy, korn

Great page. It had a nice set-up to it. Loved the poems and such. Neat graphics too. Keep up the good work :o)

06/17/99 16:04:10
Name: Tigeris Fox My Email: Email Me Age: 19
School if any: Young Harris College Fav Music: Mozart Fav Book: Pride and Prejudice
Fav Cartoon: Salior Moon and Daria Fav Food: Lemons

This is a great page, and offers more pictures than most, and A LOT more info. That and Bekki is a really cool person. I'd like to thank Bekki for giving me the 411 on Salior Moon.

06/08/99 15:23:54
Name: Erika Fuller My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 19 Fav Music: varies Fav Book: every book I've ever read
Fav Cartoon: Sailor Moon, Reboot, Pokemon, Dragon Ball Z, The Magician, Beast Wars Fav Food: pizza

luv the page

05/27/99 21:49:32
Name: Sarah My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 18 Fav Music: anything Fav Book: Loving
Fav Cartoon: smurfs Fav Food: popsicles

your page is great!!! You do very good work.

05/24/99 16:34:18
Name: lena & sabrina My URL: Visit Me Age: 19&20
School if any: YHC Fav Music: anything Fav Book: The JOY luck CLUB


05/08/99 21:47:22
Name: Atrice My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 17 School if any: EVN Fav Music: Army of Lovers, Michael Jackson
Fav Book: Lestat the Vampire Fav Cartoon: Garfield Fav Food: Hard Rock Café Burgers

Hey, cool page, good work... thanx for signing my guestbook...

04/22/99 00:17:26
Name: Jarod Marike My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 19 School if any: None right now. Fav Music: Marilyn Manson
Fav Book: Either The Long Walk or The Lord of the Rings. Fav Cartoon: South Park or Kevin Spencer. Fav Food: Pizza

Nice page. Come visit mine some time. New Rule's Cave.

04/14/99 02:45:05
Name: jai My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 16 School if any: memorial. H.S. Fav Music: a few local bands in Eau Claire W.I.
Fav Book: The Grapes of Wrath Fav Food: Rocky Roccoco pizza.

my g\f's name is bekki too

04/07/99 20:32:59
Name: HH My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 18 School if any: College Fav Music: Anything
Fav Book: Anne Rice Fav Cartoon: Sailor Moon Fav Food: Pizza and chocolate

Interesting Page, need more cartoons and links and give the links there own page. Also check out this page: My friends page

Ta ta!! HH

03/30/99 17:27:21
Name: lena My URL: Visit Me
Age: 19 School if any: yhc

Once I have went to a link on the page it blends in with the background too much I can't see what it says- i don't know if this is just this computer I am using or if this is a problem that others are also experiencing you may want to change the color

03/29/99 17:57:54
Name: Lena My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 19- 12 mentally School if any: YHC Fav Music: Anything that doesn't suck
Fav Book: anything by stephen king or anne rice Fav Food: pizza

Love the page - I am at work- really bored- I found your midi page and linked to your homepage - It wasn't that hard to find.

02/28/99 05:33:03
Name: Jerry My URL: Visit Me Age: 19
School if any: Eastfield College Fav Music: Jaz Fav Book: Harper Hall
Fav Cartoon: Sailor Moon Fav Food: Mexican

Hey, great page!! Keep adding those midis. Its weird that I got your page address from a Sailor Moon discussion list!? Maybe you should add some SM songs to your ever growing midi list.

02/01/99 19:21:10
Name: Stephan My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 18 School if any: High school Fav Music: anything
Fav Cartoon: southpark Fav Food: pizza

The site is getting to be pretty good. I like it. I would change some of your stuff like you did mine, but I don't remember your password and stuff. Oh well. I don't mind. Everybody who looks at this site, go and look at mine at epark/stadium/5379 I need more people!!!! She has plenty. I gotsta go. Laters

01/31/99 22:46:57
Name: F.W. Witherspoon My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Age: your great uncle

Thanks for giving me the opportunity to get to meet you and know what you look like-just like your mom. Take care and hope to keep in touch!! Butch

01/27/99 01:30:09
Name: Lisa My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 18 School if any: LaGrange College Fav Music: Hip-hop
Fav Food: Waffle House

Hey Bekki, Whats up? Your home page is great! Hope to talk to you soon!!

01/13/99 05:10:25
Name: Camantha My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 36 young Fav Music: Mexican Fav Book: all kinds
Fav Cartoon: Smurfs Fav Food: Mexican

GREAT page, just loved it, Keep up the great job. Will come back agian soon. Brightest Blessings!!!!!!

01/02/99 01:56:10
Name: Nancy My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 18 School if any: Transfer to YHC Fav Music: Anything
Fav Book: The Bible Fav Cartoon: Johnny Bravo Fav Food: Rice

I humble myself upon the mercy seat of disgrace when at times I am to honest to compare to those who conform to the every day life of forever.

11/25/98 18:39:40
Name: Stephan My Email: Email Me Age: 18
School if any: Southwest Fav Music: anything but country Fav Book: Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde
Fav Cartoon: South Park or Dennis the Mennace Fav Food: pizza

cool page for what ya have done. weird little green person, kinda reminds me of well, me. Gots to work.

11/23/98 21:26:57
Name: Bekki My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 18 School if any: Young Harris College Fav Music: Anything but Country and Rap
Fav Book: The Secret of Nimh Fav Cartoon: Scooby Doo Fav Food: PIZZA PIZZA PIZZA!!!

Yes I know that I am the publisher of this page but I felt that I should sign my guest book becuase I can. I'm the publisher. I would like to thank Geocities for letting me have a page. (he he what they don't know won't hurt them he he) I go to YOUNG H RRIS COLLEGE! WHOO HOO!!!! And Melissa and Nancy and Jason and Lena go there too. Well Nancy will be going here soon. YOUNG HARRIS COLLEGE WATCH OUT, CAUSE HERE COME THE FANTASTIC FIVE!! Yeah right. We're just four girls and a red headed guy. Well I better be going before ANYONE gets UPSET with my COMMENTS!!!!

11/23/98 21:23:00
Name: Melissa Peacock My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 19 School if any: Young Harris College Fav Music: country and rock
Fav Book: Native Son Fav Cartoon: Beauty and the Beast Fav Food: Italian and Mexican

Hello, YOU DON'T KNOW ME, BUT I'VE BEEN WATCHING YOU...just kidding. I was doing my empression of some horrior flick I watched recently. I do know ya and I ALMOST like ya. (Kidding again). Gotta do my project now.

11/19/98 21:05:04
Name: Sereely My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 18 School if any: College Fav Music: Anything
Fav Book: Baby Love Fav Cartoon: Scoobie Doo Fav Food: Pizza

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