All About Me
Well, I suppose you know that my name is Jennifer. You probably also know that I go to Mercer University. I graduated from high school in 1998. I am currently majoring in Mechanical Engineering and Mathematics. I could write a whole page about why I love math, but I'll spare you. :) Actually, I know some people who would love it as much as I would.

I was born in 1979 in the United States. Several months later, my brother was born in Germany. When we moved back to the United States, I went to preschool. Before I started kindergarten, my parents divorced.

In 1992, I moved to go live with my dad. A year later, I met my favorite person in the whole world. She was my teacher, but now we're friends. We send email back and forth....usually forwards because we're both really busy. I saw in this woman a LOVE and PASSION for Jesus Christ, and I was never the same again. I accepted Christ as my Savior and ran after Him with all that I had. I'm still doing that now even though there have been plenty of days where I should have run harder.

While living with my dad, I also met many, many other incredible people. Pierce, Juan, Shaun.....I could continue, but that's basically the only ones I still talk to regularly.
(Still doesn't stop there, but I'll have to continue this at a later date.) :)