My Friends

If you think you are a good friend of mine and deserve to be on this page then send me a picture and if you're nice, I'll put you up!

Chuck and me at an Indians game

This is Chuck and me at a Cleveland Indians baseball game. He has been a really good friend to me. We met each other about 6 years ago when practicing martial arts at H.J. Karams Karate. We have trained very rigorously together in the past and have achieved quite a bit in the martial arts.

Chuck has a wonderful wife named Linda, and two children named Faith and Max.

Here's some of my friends from Ohio State

These are some of my college friends at Ohio State. From left to right: Frank, Dan, me, Tim, and Travis. Frank was one of my three roommates my first year, Dan and Travis were my roommates my first and second year and Tim is just a another friend I met through Travis.

Here is a listing of some of my high school friends. Put your pointer over any picture to see their name and click to see a bigger picture. If you don't see yourself and would like to, just let me know and I'll put you up. Thanks!

Bill Beuhler Joe Braucher  Caleb Burnison  Brett Colvin  Calvin Funkhouser  Matt Graham  John Hawkins  Kendra Huprich  Beth Johnson  Brooke Kenline  Mike Kinsey    Kris Kreinbihl  Joey Lee  Joshua Miller  Sara Petroski   Shawn Powers  Gabe Pringle Andrea See Mike Sopher  Jen Still  Brian Stull  Dan Wherley  Brie Williams