Cross Country
Boys' Top 7 in '94
Boys' Top 3 in '96: Doug Anderson, Mike Olando, and Josh Sacker.
Camp '97, just chilling around the fire at night.
Coach and my dad sitting on a log looking possesed.
The Class of '98 runners reliving their earlier Back to the Future camp days by posing in front of the Chelsea clock tower on Seniors' Night Out.
Both teams are having a little fun after the Haslett (fake MSU) trip in '97.
OK, what exactly am I supposed to do with this blanket that was promptly put away in storage and I haven't seen again.  Waste o' money, Coach.  Of, course, I also didn't actually earn that varsity letter on it, but we won't go there either.  Anyway, these are Awards Night '97 pictures from Green St. Tavern.