Announcments and WebSite Updates

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Changed a few problems in the assignments for Chapters 15 and 16. Made announcement about time of final exam (6:00 p.m. on 12/20/1999).
Posted homework assignments for Chapters 14, 15, and 16.

Changed dates for Quizzes 5 and 6.
Updated homework box.

Added FAQ page for Chapter 11.

Added front page for Miramar web server site. (see bottom of our main page)

Homework problem sets assigned for Chapters 10 and 11 are now online. (Click on "Assignments" link for details.)

Week 4 - Chapters 3, 4, and 5

(September 13)This week and next, we'll get out of the "quantitative" mode and cover some basic concepts about matter and energy. Check the study guides for Chapters 3, 4, and 5.

Important note regarding lab reports
(September 8) As always, you must write your own report and do your own calculations for each lab report, even if you're working in a group or with a partner. Copied data is okay, if one person is writing it down during the experiment, but copying calculations and answers to questions is wrong. You must do your own work. Discussing it is okay, but if you copy without thinking, you're cheating. Try at least to reword an answer, or set up a problem in your own way, than to copy directly from someone else.

Announcement for Labor Day Weekend (before Quiz #1).
On the homework and quiz, you must show your work for each problem that requires a unit conversion-type calculation. The best way to do this is to write out the plan and the conversions, just as I have been writing them in class. If I don't see your calculations, you won't get full credit for the problem, even if your answer is correct.

Ch 2 Practice - Answers (September 1)
My answers for the first set of Chapter 2 practice problems are now online.

September 4, 1999 Update
Added answers for Chapter 2 practice set and "more practice" set.
September 1, 1999 Web Site Update
Added study guides for Chapters 3, 4, and 5.
Added lab guides for Activities 1, 8, and 9. Look for guides for Activities 2 and 3, coming soon.

Announcement for your first weekend of studying. (August 27-29)
Remember, homework for Chapter 1 (the one-page paper) is due on Monday when you arrive to class. Make sure it's legible and covers everything that the assignment requires, and that it is no more than one page long. When you're done, start on the Chapter 2 homework. If you get started now, you'll be able to ask more questions on Monday.

Some words about my grading policy
You will be earning "points" in this class. There will be no "percentages" or "curves." You'll earn your grade based on my objective evaluation of your performance on quizzes, labs, and the final. There are also a few points for homework. Once you accumulate some points, they're yours to keep. On page 5 of the syllabus, you see, for instance, that 650 points will earn a grade of "C". Once you get 650 points, you'll be guaranteed a "C". Conversely, once you lose 350 points, you'll have a difficult time getting a "C". Keep track of the points you earn. I'll print out my grading spreadsheet once in a while so you can check my entries and your totals.

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