October - December 2000
In case you don't recognize him, the guy in the middle is Bruce
Campbell, who's best known as the star of the cult classic film "Army
of Darkness," one of three in the "Evil Dead" trilogy. He
came to Tech on November 9th and spoke to a full house about his experience (and
he's had a lot) in the film and entertainment industry. He was
frickin' hilarious, and all of his hardcore fans were delighted to see
him. From left, that's Justin, Ryan, Jeremy, and yours truly.
On October 21, my roomies and I
went out to the New River Gorge in West Virginia for Bridge Day. It's the
one day a year they close down half the bridge to traffic and let people walk on
it and watch skydivers plummet the nearly 900 feet to the bottom. No, we
didn't get to jump... you hafta be a licensed professional, and it costs like
$60 to jump. About 450 people jumped that day, and good fun was had by all
(and no, nobody's parachute didn't open, ya sick bastards. Don't you think
I'd take a picture if that happened?)
The circle is the landing target. Most people missed it, which is why the boats are there. :)