Here I am looking faggy on my 19th birthday, and Greg is about to punch me in the genitals.  You should've seen the total agony on my face five seconds after this picture was taken!  Man, it hurt like hell then, but we can all go back now and laugh.  Except for when my testicles occasionally swell up like softballs and I have to inject them with Novocaine.  * NOTE: As of August 17, 2000, I only have one testicle.

My mom's side of the family consists of Grandma. Mom's an only child, and my grandpa died before I was born. This was taken during Christmas Eve, during the traditional Mom-and-Grandma Christmas Eve Dinner.

My dad's side of the family consists of my grandparents (above), my uncle Keith, and my cousin Ryan.

From the left: Me, my dad, Greg, Ryan, and Uncle Keith. We all share that weird Adams sense of humor. :)

Since Ryan's gotten older, he's started looking more like his dad. Genetics are weird that way.

And here's my Aunt Lisa, Keith's wife (Ryan's stepmom).

I didn't think I looked all that much like my dad until I saw this picture.
