Fecalicious: hi
Fecalicious: are you from Denmark
Fecalicious: I'm from the USA
MLTDenmark: Yes I´m from Denmark
Fecalicious: I like Danishes
Fecalicious: they're tasty
Fecalicious: do they have a lot of Danishes in Denmark?
MLTDenmark: In what way
Fecalicious: you know, the sweet breakfast desserts... in this country we call them Danishes
Fecalicious: perhaps you call your Danishes Americans?
MLTDenmark: no in danish its called "Morgenbrød"
Fecalicious: "Pass me one of those delicious Americans" you would say at breakfast
Fecalicious: oh...
Fecalicious: well, close enough
Fecalicious: is Danish your first language?
MLTDenmark: LOL
Fecalicious: I don't speak Danish
Fecalicious: I speak some Spanish and English
Fecalicious: and I can count to ten in German
Fecalicious: you see, we Americans are a stupid people
MLTDenmark: Yep, english my second and german my third (I also speak norwegian/swedish and a few words in russion)
MLTDenmark: russian
Fecalicious: wow
MLTDenmark: sorry
Fecalicious: that's a lot of languages
Fecalicious: you are close to Russia, yes?
MLTDenmark: danish/norwegian/swedish are very much alike
MLTDenmark: a bit
Fecalicious: I would love to visit Russia sometime... I hear they have lots of sexy wümen
Fecalicious: and mooses
Fecalicious: and fancy rockets and those big hats with the ear flaps
MLTDenmark: yep
Fecalicious: is it cold where you live?
MLTDenmark: no really
Fecalicious: pardon my talkativeness, but I like to learn about other countries
MLTDenmark: 30 C in summer and frost in winters
MLTDenmark: thats ok
Fecalicious: frost, eh
Fecalicious: do you have snow and ice in the winters?
MLTDenmark: some times
Fecalicious: I have always thought of Denmark as a cold place
MLTDenmark: not especially
MLTDenmark: we are surrounded by the sea
Fecalicious: even the sweet tasty Danishes must get cold, if left in the cold Danish weather
MLTDenmark: so
Fecalicious: ohhh, so the sea keeps you warm
MLTDenmark: yep
Fecalicious: does the Gulf Stream go by Denmark?
Fecalicious: that's the warm current of water, yes
MLTDenmark: yep
Fecalicious: I see
MLTDenmark: but not that close
Fecalicious: can you swim in the ocean or is it too cold?
MLTDenmark: in summertime it is possible
Fecalicious: here in the USA we can swim in the oceans in the summer
Fecalicious: except for the jellyfish OH GOD THE JELLYFISH
Fecalicious: they stung my little brother Herman to death
MLTDenmark: where R U from in the USA
Fecalicious: when he was but a wee 3 years old, playing innocently in the ocean
Fecalicious: I am from Boston
Fecalicious: Massachusetts
MLTDenmark: Ok, I´m from Copenhagen
Fecalicious: so since then, i don't swim in the ocean and every time I see the ocean I think of my poor little brother, all puffy like a big red marshmallow man, swollen to death by those evil jellyfish
Fecalicious: since then our family has been Born Again
Fecalicious: are you Christian?
MLTDenmark: yep
Fecalicious: or are you of the pagan folk
MLTDenmark: U?
Fecalicious: ah, that's good
MLTDenmark: I´m a baptist
Fecalicious: yes, we are die-hard Bible-touting Christians in my family
Fecalicious: since the Good Lord took my baby brother from us, we have gone to church every week
Fecalicious: and we make a sacrifice to Jesus every Thursday so that he will not strike my family down
MLTDenmark: I have to go now (I´m at work)
Fecalicious: with another brutal jellyfish attack, or such other of God's great creatures
Fecalicious: oh
Fecalicious: it's nighttime here
MLTDenmark: nice talking to U
Fecalicious: you too
MLTDenmark: its 1029 AM
MLTDenmark: here
Fecalicious: have fun working, Danish man
MLTDenmark: thank U
Fecalicious: it's 4:29am here
Fecalicious: nice talking to you
MLTDenmark: good sleep
Fecalicious: PRAIS JESUS
Fecalicious: thank you