NAMBLAfan: hello there
dux nefarius: hi
NAMBLAfan: do you like taking pictures
NAMBLAfan: I'm really into photography
dux nefarius: Cool
dux nefarius: Do I know you?
NAMBLAfan: nope
dux nefarius: Oh ok
NAMBLAfan: found you on the "Find a
Buddy" stuff
NAMBLAfan: my name's Larry
dux nefarius: oh ok
NAMBLAfan: what's yours
dux nefarius: Barret
NAMBLAfan: hello there, Barret
NAMBLAfan: how old are you
dux nefarius: 19
dux nefarius: u?
NAMBLAfan: I'm
NAMBLAfan: 23
dux nefarius: ok
NAMBLAfan: where are you from, young
NAMBLAfan: I'm from Minnesota
NAMBLAfan: what kind of photography are
you interested in?
dux nefarius: photojournalism
NAMBLAfan: oh, very nice
NAMBLAfan: I'm more of a hobby
photographer myself
NAMBLAfan: I do a lot of still lifes, and
some nudes
NAMBLAfan: the young, luscious human
body is a beautiful thing, I say
NAMBLAfan: especially when it's glistening
with butter
dux nefarius: uh...
dux nefarius: to each his own I
NAMBLAfan: indeed
NAMBLAfan: I say, if it's consensual, what's
the problem
dux nefarius: Me too, just not too
much into the butter thing, but
I've taken artsy nudes, and I
like those
NAMBLAfan: ah, men or women? young or
NAMBLAfan: I prefer young men myself
NAMBLAfan: very young, tender, luscious
NAMBLAfan: eager for some action
dux nefarius: Ok, this is getting a
little weird
NAMBLAfan: ... sorry, I get carried away
NAMBLAfan: don't be afraid, Barret
NAMBLAfan: we're just guys, like you
dux nefarius: we?
NAMBLAfan: only we love the feeling of
inserting our old penises into tender young
NAMBLAfan: why, we NAMBLA members,
of course
dux nefarius: What's that?
NAMBLAfan: haven't you heard of us?
NAMBLAfan: I had just assumed you had
dux nefarius: no
dux nefarius: Why?
NAMBLAfan: go to
dux nefarius: Why did you assume?
NAMBLAfan: because our group is
nationally recognized
NAMBLAfan: only with a different purpose
dux nefarius: what's the purpose?
NAMBLAfan: to promote understanding,
dux nefarius: about what?
NAMBLAfan: that young boys are capable
of loving older men
NAMBLAfan: it's a beautiful thing, this
tender anxious manlove we share
dux nefarius: Um, go for it if you
want. It's cool. But you need
to look somewhere else
NAMBLAfan: I was first introduced into
NAMBLA by my Pastor
NAMBLAfan: that's cool, man
NAMBLAfan: I'm not trying to make love to
you in the butt or anything... I get plenty of
lovin' from the neighborhood boys
NAMBLAfan: one fine summer evening
when I was 12, my pastor was taking some
pictures of me
dux nefarius: What does NAMBLAfan
stand for?
NAMBLAfan: and he asked me to take my
clothes off
NAMBLAfan: whee
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NAMBLAfan: whee
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