Dear Dr. Boggz,
I have this problem of drinking to much and blacking out. What can I do to slow my drinking or to cause the blackouts to stop?
Lost in the bar.

Dear Lost,
I will direct this one to Dr. Joel. He is an expert on blacking out and successfully navigating an evening.

Hi Lost. Dr Boggz tells me you have a problem with blacking out. I happen to have the same problem and let me tell you it makes for some akward situations!
Just cut the crap pussy. Blacking out is an honor. It allows for some great stories and some fun walks home. This allows you to burn off the excess calories you drank last night to keep looking good. The ladies like this and should respond by taking you back to their place to look after you. This is also known as "consent", remember if you can't remember it didn't happen unless someone has pictures.