For all you back home, and all you up here:


I don't know why I'm doing this, because I'm going to leave someone out, but I don't mean to. Also, these are in no particular order, I promise. Here goes:

Misti: There's so much to say about her. Mainly, she's insane. Enough said. From Portland, OR.

Lisa: Lisa is Misti and Katie's roommate. She seems much more normal and down to earth, but in reality is just as insane. Lisa likes to have fun, and she doesn't mind intimidating guys to do it (in a good way of course). From somewhere in Colorado.

Katie: She rounds out the three roommates. Katie is known for her great catch phrases, like, "You can't give me popcorn and say no butter," and the infamous "what the dilly, yo?" From somewhere in Colorado (Denver I think).

Kate: She also lives on the first floor of my dorm. Everyone sees her as the little sweet shy girl. Maybe I have a different perspective. Kate likes to do new things, but will never get in an argument. On Nov. 4, her, Shannon, and I will make a trip to see Dave Matthews. From Wisconsin.

Shannon: Another one of my insane friends. Shannon has very strong beliefs, and many of them are quite contrary to mine. At the same time, she loves big elephant tusks. That's just how random she is. Hopefully, I can get her to release some of her poems to me, to make available to all of you. Then you can truly see the random, creative insanity that is Shannon. From either Hell or California (likely one and the same).

John: John is also insane. He likes music that some describe as "the musical embodiement of pain and suffering." Along with being insane, John is very funny, a math genius, a computer genius, and very sarcastic. He also has a webpage here. From Valdez, Alaska.

Meag: Meag is so nice. That's the one thing everyone will tell you about her. She's also a very strong Christian friend of mine. I don't know what else to say, except, Meag, you're awesome. From somewhere nearby, I think, or maybe Portland.

Lindsay: My bud. Lindsay has become a good friend of mine. She smiles a lot and has a very distinctive laugh. She is "in charge" of the computer lab where I scan all of my pictures (so thank her for her help). She's also a great bowler, who took pride in beating me in back to back games (despite me being up by like 25 pins at one point in the 2nd game). Don't worry, I will get my revenge. From right here in Tacoma, though she still gets lost.

Tim: Why are all my friends insane? Tim is my cell group leader (to find out more about that, goto the What I Believe Section). He lives in a house dubbed "Mission Control" and is an all-around good guy. From somewhere, but I think he's from Seattle.

Matt: He's more here out of admiration, than b/c we have a great friendship. I have talked to him, and he's a great guy. He leads worship at Lighthouse (which is amazing), and is just a great Christian role model. From Seattle.

Nathan: He's my resident hockey conversationalist and fellow Stars fan. On Dec. 4, we will be trekking to Vancouver, BC to see the Stars dismantle the Canucks. All who would like to come are welcome for the trip. I'm going to do my best to come up with as many free tickets as possible. From Colorado Springs, CO.

I know there are more of you, so don't feel left out. If I had to list everyone, this would take all day. Maybe I'll make another list, or something.

To read about my friends from home click here.

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