
I believe what I believe; it's what makes me what I am.


    I believe in Christianity. I believe that Jesus was the Son of God and that he died for each one of us. God chose each of us, because he loves us so much, and we can have redemption if we simply choose him.
    I believe that loving God, as well as everyone else is of the utmost importance. I do not believe in self-righteousness, and I do not condone a hypocritical church. I believe that my beliefs are meant to be practiced, not simply stated.
    The main way I am "spiritually fed" is from Lighthouse and my cell group. Lighthouse has a meeting on Tuesday nights that is for worship, teaching, and fellowship. It's amazing how fast you get to know people there, and the worship is often incredible. Many times, the teaching is excellent, though there have been times I have disagreed. In the future, I may put my summaries of Lighthouse online.

My cell group is an accountability type group, with 4 other freshman guys, and a sophomore leader, Tim. The other guys are Adam, Rob, Jeff, and Nathan. Adam is a Madden football fiend. I'm telling you this guy can't get enough. It's also important to mention that he has yet to beat me (as is Tim). Rob is a dedicated Mariners fan. He still has high hopes of one day seeing them in the World Series. While I have the same hope, I am more realistic on their chances (having lost Randy Johnson. . .ZERO). Jeff is a 4th floor Seward boy. For those of you who aren't UPSers, 4th floor Seward is the big party floor this year. Needless to say, Jeff doesn't completely fit in with his floormates. He also has some very different beliefs, religiously, than I do. I'm interested to get to explore how these play out. I've talked about Nathan and Tim in my friends section already.



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