About Me

I am a college senior this year and will graduate in June 2005 with a Bachelors in Music, emphasis violin performance. That's it. No minor, no second major. Yes, I did change my mind. But I have no regrets. College has been fun and I will miss it very much.

The biggest challenge I've undertaken in my college experience was being president of the music club, being organic chemistry lab instructor, taking a full load of classes, and agreeing to a heavy performance schedule all at the same time. Though it was tough, it was a very worthwhile experience that helped me grow as a person and feel more comfortable in leadership positions.

Since this is my senior year, I've been trying to get in as much music as I can before I start medical school. So, I'm in orchestra, string quartet, wind ensemble, woodwind quintet, and choir. I've also dabbled with a number of instruments in the past two years: piano, organ, voice, clarinet, oboe, bassoon, trombone, violin, viola, cello, and string bass. They say that college is only once ... so I'm trying to take advantage of it. The problem is there are quite a number of classes I would like to take, and I only have spring quarter left to take them in. Consequently, though I only need 14 units in spring quarter to finish my graduation requirements, I am going to try to take 13 extra units "for fun" - grand total of 27 units. :) We'll see how it goes. I just might have to concede insanity and drop those extra classes.

As far as interests go, I like hiking, reading, making music, analyzing things and making them more efficient, playing games, teasing people, studying (yes, I'm weird), and a bunch of other stuff. I'm not very good at shopping and sports yet.

Anyways, enough about me ... go back to the index where you belong. :)

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