Webpage last updated on May 8, 1999. I added my ICQ Info at the bottom of the page, since I've been getting so many emails about my FF pages.

Final Fantasy VIII, the new RPG of the Final Fantasy series by Square, will probably be released in America sometime around next September. Hironobu Sakaguci is the producer, and Tetsuya Nomura is the character designer. Characters in FF8 are texture-mapped instead of gouraud shaded like FF7, which will give them a more detailed, realistic look. FF8 is the first in the series to have all of the characters shown on the feild, instead of all of the characters clumped into one character. The enemies don't just disappear when they are killed, but fall down and die just like in real life. Nobuo Uematsu will compose the music, just as in previous FF games. Check out the Other section for some great Midi's, picture, Links, etc... Chocobos will be returning in FF8, with their feathers supposedly looking more like scales in order to give them a more tough look. The rumors that Cid returns in FF8 are not true, but Biggs and Wegde do. Nomura and Sakaguci have announced that the theme of FF8 is love, and I've encountered other sources who said that there will be a love-triangle between Squall, Rinoa, and Laguna. More news will be posted as soon as I hear about it. Don't forget to visit my Final Fantasy VII page!

As for Final Fantasy IX...
Videogames.com writes, "Sakaguchi's response... [to those] wondering about Final Fantasy IX: 'Spare me, please.'"

One of my 'sources' had some comments for everyone who hasn't played Final Fantasy VIII yet: 'graphics.. yeah, they're much much better. at least u wouldn't be looking at characters without mouths... lol... but the game... story line's nice. Yikes, don't put anything i say (sorry)... it'll probably be realeasing in september or something in the US, so i heard.' -- coffee cup
Send me any more comments, and if you have played FF8- coffee cup is stuck on disc 2. If you can help, email me!

Chocobos, Vehicles, Weapons, Movie Trailer, and Midi Collection

Feel free to email me if you have any suggestions, comments, whatever. The information, pictures, sounds, etc... are not all mine, so if I've inadvertently stolen something from you make sure you let me know. Thanks!

(ICQ Users)
(Non ICQ Users)

All information pertaining to Final Fantasy VIII and the Final Fantasy series are copyrighted by Square Inc.