Take a sit and make yourself comfortable !

So.. in this page I will try to present myself to you. Let's start with the beginning : First on Earth they were dinosaurs. They died because a rock from cosmos hit the Earth. You, probably, already knew that but what you don't know is that inside that meteorite there was a capsule, and inside the capsule there were rooms, and in one of those rooms there was a little bed, and in that bed someone was sleeping. No, not me. The person that was sleeping in that bed was Superman.

Now because the Earth was destroyed by the explosion, Superman started looking for a job. He became a reporter for Daily Planet. Here he had a colleague. Her name was Jun Chu Chan, and she was a relative of Barney The Dinosaur.

Then in the year 1111½ AD (AD means After Douche) Christopher Coulomb (aka Chris "Egg" Coulomb) took 3 yachts (Titanic, Britannia and Coco Jambo) from UNO and went to discover The United States of America and Canada. He got lost, because of the map that he forgot home, and he arrived in Cuba where Fidel Castro was waiting for him because he read on the Internet that Coulomb will arrive in Spain.

This brings us in the moment of my birth. It was 15th of May 1980. Bill Gates was already rich, the Earth was already round and Coulomb was still talking with Castro about taxes.

So.... I was born on 15th of May 1980 (which was 10 years after 15th of May 1970). Are you still with me ? Too bad, I was hopping that you got bored and close this browser. There's still time.

I spent the first 5 years of my life in Mangalia. This city is very nice. I was very upset when me and my family had to move in Constanta (read Constantza). In Mangalia I had a lot of friends and I still know some peoples there, now, after about 14 years.

Constanta is a the second city as size in Romania (at least from what they told us at the Geography classes). It is on the sea-side of the Black-Sea. It is an important sea-port in which many ships come, go and sink. Last summer Julius Caesar come here for his winter holiday with Roman Empire's Fleet but he couldn't stay more than 3 years cause his Visa credit card has expired after a crocodile from Alaska ate it.

In Constanta there are a lot of places where you can have fun: lots of discotheques (No Problem, Planet, Black-Sea, Enigma, Max, Boulevard, Pentagon, Primo), casinos (Mamaia Casino and Tomis Casino), bowling halls, bars, pubs, pool halls.

You can also combine fun with some learning. There are some very big libraries (The Municipal Library, City Library, English Library and so on). The New City Library is a new construction that it was open for public this year (11th of January 1999). There are also a lot of museums(The Army Museum, The Navy Museum, The History and Architecture Museum, The Art Museum and The Aquarium), expositions, theaters (Dramatic Theater, Fantasio Theater, Oleg Danovsky Theater), cinemas (Dacia, Republica, Tineret, Popular).

Well, that's enough about my town(for now). If you want to find out more send me an email about what do you want to know. I'll do my best to answer your demands.

Next step is to talk a bit about me. Of course I can't do that without writing first a few nonsense paragraphs. So, hold on. Here we go.

Before I start talking about me I want to tell you a few things about this HTML file that you are reading now with the help of your browser which I have to say is a fine browser because it accepts the fact that you are reading all kinds of stuffs (and junks, like this file). And I have to say that your browser displays this file, which it doesn't like, by using some fonts files and images downloaded. This helps you read the data contained in this file. How it would be if your browser would get mad of you and he would display something like this :

You wouldn't like it, huh ? So, why are you hurting this poor, innocent program when it cares so much about you. You have no soul ! You, beast!

Now, for those who are still with me, I just want to say about this HTML file that it is store on a hard-disk as 0 and 1 which are binary numbers. They make byte (packs of 8 bits), which make words (packs of 2 bytes) and so on...

Well, that should be enough. All the talking above helped me to get rid of some of you who couldn't stand anymore the bla,bla,bla...

OOoo, well... My name is Andrei Bautu. Some of my friend call me Ady. During my life I have been called Adrian, Bogdan, Claudiu, Paul and so on, by people who have problems remembering names. Well, If don't have a good memory I don't mind although I like my name and I would like you to call me by my name. As I said I was born 400 years ago, in the mountains of Scotland. Oh, no, wait ! That line is from Highlander. I watch to much TV. I was born in Mangalia.

My parents are Rodica and Mihai Bautu. They are great parents. They let me do all I want to (almost all) with the condition the I don't get in trouble. My mom (like all moms, I think) everytime she has the occasion starts to tell me to behave. The first years of my life this behaving stuff was very, very stressing and boring since my sign is Taurus and I don't like someone to tell me what to do (just like it says in my horoscope). Oh, well, I got used with it. I'm immune now at this kind of advises. This doesn't mean that I'm some kind of psycho that does bad things all day, everyday. Of course I take Sunday off.

My dad is a cool guy. He bought me my first computer which helped to create the cyber-freak I am today. At the beginning I was using my computer just for games but my dad told me that if I don't start learning to program he will take it away. So... I started programming. First I hate it. I didn't understand how programming some small progs will help me in life. I found out soon when I started to do my math homework with some 'byte help'. The computer was solving the problem and I was writing the answer in my notebook.

I also have a sister. Her name is Alina. My parents used to tease me when I was little by telling me that Alina is their child and I was bought from a gypsy woman. Well, who cares ? I'm still pretty (and modest, too) !!! Anyway, Alina is 2 years older that I am, but I'm taller, so the days from my childhood, when she was able to kick my *** whenever she wanted to, are far away.

So, in conclusion, my name is Andrei Bautu but some of my friends call me Ady. I was born on May 15th 1980 (Taurus), in Mangalia (a city in Constanta province) and now I live in Constanta (the town). I'm about 1.80m tall. I have brown hair and brown eyes. I have a sister. I'm a student at the Telecommunication and Electronics High-School.

Here are some pics from my town.
Click on them to see the full-size image or to enter in a all new, boring page.

Where does this nut live ? The Modern Beach and Tomis Port at night. The Sun is rising over the Black Sea.

Ovidius's Statue The old part of Constanta. The Casino from the Tomis Seaport.

Sunset on the Ghiol Lake The Modern Beach. The Black Sea.

That's enough ! Let me go !

Page last updated on May 7, 1999. © Copyright Andrei Bautu
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