Aloha !!!

I'm glad you decided to visit this page, too. Before you go, I want to ask you something : could you send me some ideas about how to improve my homepage, what else would you like to see on it, or at least send me some of your opinions about it. Thank you.

E-mail :

ICQ ID : 31200289

Mail :
Andrei Bautu
Bd. Alex. Lapusneanu 95
Bloc LV31, Scara B, Apartament 28
Constanta, cod 8700

Phone/Fax : +40 (41) 637963
or Fax : 01 (707) 221-2563

If you don't want to send an email or a letter, and you prefer something more personal, then somewhere on my homepage I wrote how to find my city. When you arrive in Constanta find a phone, dial 637963 and ask to talk with me. We'll see then...

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