Welcome to my Guestbook!

Dusty - 11/14/00 04:24:04
My Email:Dustyjoe20@hotmail.com
Location: IN
How did you find this site?: you told me

Hey Jen WAZZZZUP!!!!! LOL It's to bad we weren't able to hang out some. Next time your down here you and I should get together and hang. We'll have fun. Like we always do. Well I got to go so I will talk to ya later. Your Bud Dusty

Katie Johnson - 08/31/00 04:00:15
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/oh4/speakloudly
My Email:katej78@yahoo.com
Location: Ohio
How did you find this site?: Web ring

Hey, I really like your site. I have a very new site (you know, with lots of pages that go nowhere). :) Anyway, I have pages for devotionals, Christian stories, poems, jokes, etc. If you would like to contribute any of your stuff it would be GREATLY appreciated! And I'll definatel put a link to your page. :) If you can, let me know. Thanks.

joe nixon - 05/23/00 03:41:09
My Email:you know it


joe nixon - 05/23/00 03:40:40
My Email:you know it


Scott - 05/17/00 19:40:25
My Email:Arnold@nothinbut.net
Location: NJ
How did you find this site?: His Net

I liked it, you made it easy to get around, and I especially enjoyed your poetry. I write poetry also, and I have found as one poet to another, its easier to read poetry if you know how to write it.

David Hill Hopkins - 04/10/00 14:45:00
My URL:http://www.themountainsvoice.net
My Email:Isaiah5534@aol.com

Dear Lord, This nation needs help. How long? How long must we wait? How long before there is justice in the land? Please give birth to Salvation & Righteousness in this nation. I have prepared all that you led me to do. Please give me the finances. Please Fat er. In the name of Jesus, and by the power of your Holy Spirit - I cry out to you for the people. Who will go? I will go Lord. I will call the people. In January, 1998, I saw a vision of a billboard. The word of God spoke to my heart and told me to prepare to put up 10,000 of them across this nation... To call to the heart of this great nation; to steer the heart of this nation back to you. The Lord g ided me that there would be a website attached to this with a message. I've spent two years listening to Him, learning about this country through listening to many... mostly listening to our children. Several days ago I uploaded the website message (ab ut for the 100th time), only this time His spirit told me I finally got it right - that the message was the one He wanted sent to the people. Please forgive me for being so deaf and blind, and taking so long for getting it right. When this began, the LORD gave me a controlling scripture: Isaiah 55: 5. I didn't seek this out, but I am ready to be obedient. I am just awaiting His timing, and the finance to buy the first billboards in Wichita. He has put it in my heart that this should begin in May, 2000. Isaiah 55:5 Behold, thou shalt call a nation that thou knowest not, and nations that knew not thee shall run unto thee because of the LORD thy God, and for the Holy One of Israel; for he hath glorified thee. The link below has the message He told me was right. It's got a picture of the first JESUS Billboard too. It's got one verse of Word on it. Out of 100's of "Perfect scriptures" I chose - He finally chose for me - and it is truly perhaps the one verse i the Bible that will make this nation think. I admit - sometimes I forget how perfect He really is :) The Mountains Voice ...it's calling you < www.themountainsvoice.net > David Hill Hopkins * The Lord has guided me to Post this on message boards, send it in emails - and then just wait.

Katie Fackelman - 03/14/00 02:07:55
My Email:super_scrap@yahoo.com
Location: bloomington In
How did you find this site?: you're my friend =)

I loved the questions!!

Steve - 03/14/00 01:56:13
How did you find this site?: you told me about it

May God bless your site, and may it plant a seed in peoples hearts. Love your site. Keep up the good work girl.

Sherry - 03/13/00 13:55:32
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/spiritst/hismusic/index.html
My Email:hismusic@msn,com
Location: KY
How did you find this site?: web ring

You are encouraging to Christians in their daily walk, and are reaching out to the lost in a loving manner. There are so many that need to know the love God has extended towards man in Christ's sacrificial death. We have a music ministry and appreciate al you have done here to fulfill the great commission. Please visit our web page in consideration of adding our URL to your links page. Yours in Christ, Sherry and Carlos Heart & Soul, Music with a Message

jo dingle - 03/06/00 19:08:58
My Email:joanna_dingle@broadcastmusic.com
Location: hungary
How did you find this site?: looking around for christian stuff in altavista

well done! I will have to put your site in as a favourite as I just don't have time to stay online long enough to read all the fun stuff. I don't suppose there would be any chance of you putting collections of the stories and jokes into zip files for do nloading? I have an ICQ but rarely log on and can never remember my number, but feel free to contact me by email if you fancy a chat. Keep up the good work. Jo

Pneumaman - 01/30/00 14:19:50
My URL:/Paris/LeftBank/9725/bert.html


Thank you for an enjoyable visit. You have a wonderful site! Come and visit us when you can.

Angel - 01/25/00 14:35:53
My URL:http://whidden-creek.com/angel/angels_prayers.htm
My Email:ilovejesus2@home.com
Location: Texas
How did you find this site?: searching

Hi, I pray you have a very blessed week.Jesus loves you.Love Angel

Me, myself, and I - 01/25/00 04:08:06
Location: Here
How did you find this site?: On the net, silly

Good job! I am adding you onto my bookmarks. Keep it up!

Nick - 01/21/00 20:47:04
My URL:http://www.mindspring.com/~alien1
My Email:alien1@mindspring.com
Location: Fridley, MN
How did you find this site?: you

Hihowareya! ou have had tons of people visit your site, that's cool! Well I hope to talk to you soon, okay, oh and maybe you'll go rollerblading at the dome sometime when I'm there. cyalaterbye :)

Bernadette - 01/21/00 14:50:55
My Email:kekauf


Smidgit - 12/17/99 21:53:52
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Estates/7841
My Email:smidgit@netscape.net
Location: Maine
How did you find this site?: Christian Heart Webring

I enjoyed my visit I hope you will come pay me a visit and sign my guestbook.

Michelle - 12/17/99 16:55:00
My URL:http://www.ilovejesus.com/lot/dreamquix/cards.html
My Email:dreamquix@yahoo.com
Location: VA
How did you find this site?: webring

Love your site, keep up the good work. Visit my Card Shop and send a free card. ;-)

Lynz - 12/05/99 08:16:58
My Email:lynzannnh18@hotmail.com
Location: Michigan
How did you find this site?: You

You're a schmuck and I love you. Goodnight. That's all. Yup. Nope. Bye. Go to bed, Jen. NCU kicks everyones butts. I'm not going to say anything else b/c I might incriminate myself. Stop typing, Jen. I don't want to say anymore on your webpage. Quit making people sign your guestbook......hold on, I just didn't say that. Alright, now I am really going, b/c this is just getting monotonous and boring.

Renee - 12/01/99 02:30:29
My URL:http://www.compu-ad.net/public/kids.htm
My Email:emma@compu-ad.net
Location: Hesperia, California

Christian Links for Kids and Teens

Visit Noah's Ark Christian Store !

M.Collins` - 11/19/99 04:30:08
My URL:http://www.ilovejesus.com/lot/dreamquix/thelivingwater.html
My Email:FiredUp4Christ@cs.com
Location: VA
How did you find this site?: Webring

Love your site. Visit mine to hear the audio bible! God bless

Debby - 10/18/99 04:06:58
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/on2/debbysdigest/index.html
My Email:DMJJ2000@aol.com
How did you find this site?: Webring

Wonderful poems. Thanks for sharing them. God Bless, Debby

Kimberly - 09/22/99 20:15:01
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/va/kimberlina
My Email:kim_ber_ly@hotmail.com
Location: USA
How did you find this site?: Webring

Hey, great page. Keep up the work. I know that sometimes it gets discouraging with so much work involved with keeping a webpage updated. Just don't give up. That's what Satan wants you to do. Come by my page sometime and pay me a visit!

Adrian Mathews - 09/15/99 10:27:28
My URL:http://www.iwr.com/christian/
My Email:webmaster@iwr.com
Location: Oregon
How did you find this site?: You

Hello , you have a wonderful site do come by and visit us. We would like to extend an invitation to everyone to come and exchange links with us so others can share in your website and while your there sign our guestbook. God Bless...

Claudia Bailey - 08/18/99 21:57:27
My Email:cbailey8@lcc.net
Location: Timpson, TX
How did you find this site?: THE LORD

I love yourWebSite

Susan L. Prince - 08/11/99 02:16:28
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/susanlprince
My Email:prince@marshallnet.com
Location: Marshalltown, IA
How did you find this site?: viewing another slambook

I enjoyed my visit to your page...thanks for sharing a little about yourself. I read over your "THANKS" page and see that you have been blessed with many good friends and a wonderful familiy. God bless! †

Brad - 08/05/99 08:36:41
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ok2/braddog
My Email:emperorpillow@hotmail.com
Location: Oklahoma
How did you find this site?: AOL

Howdy, Wow, you have an excellent page..I really like it. Keep Fightin' the Good Fight :-) Catch ya later.

Melissa - 08/04/99 05:10:33
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/mn/duckylovesjesus
My Email:merrymelissa@hotmail.com
Location: Minnesota
How did you find this site?: Running to Jesus Webring

hi. Nice page you got here! I was just wondering, do you go to North Central University in Minnesota? I plan to attend there either this fall semester or the next semester. Stick to Jesus cause he is truly everything! Consumed by the call! melissa

jeff - 07/31/99 21:56:51
Location: nh
How did you find this site?: nice

Its great to here of other young adults trying to win the battle of temptation over sin. Continue to be a good witness and try to win souls for Christ. See ya in heaven someday.

scootersmom - 07/13/99 15:22:27

Looking good!

kathyrn - 07/06/99 03:22:20
My Email:kartah@worldnet.att.net
Location: Florida
How did you find this site?: invited

Thanks for inviting me to view your web site. I have not completely looked through all og it's pages, but the ones that I have viewed are ok. I will contine to view other pages and updates as time allows. God Bless You and Keep You. Kathyrn

jenny - 07/05/99 11:22:07
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/Plaza/6171
My Email:ncujenny@yahoo.com
Location: wisconsin & minneapolis
How did you find this site?: you signed my guestbook! :-)

hi! very cool site! i hope to see you next fall at school.

Fred Cupp - 07/02/99 15:43:05
My Email:fbcupp@epix.net
Location: Williamsport, PA
How did you find this site?: mark lowry's list

nice looking, attractive page. I did not notice a reference to where you are located. God Bless, Fred

someone - 06/29/99 03:28:16
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ct/goheres/index.html
Location: texas
How did you find this site?: web ring

hey this is a pretty cool site, nice job on it. bye for now

Randy Whittern - 06/23/99 01:43:36
My URL:http://home.swbell.net/whittern/index.html
My Email:whittern@swbell.net
Location: Oklahoma City
How did you find this site?: Can't reMember! (Am I reMiss?)

Hey, Jenn...I've got some great songs for videos! Check 'em out through my web site. Nice job on your site. It was reMarkable! In His Show, Randy

Thad - 06/17/99 17:43:02
My URL:thad.findhere.com
My Email:i8abug45@hotmail.com
Location: Ohio
How did you find this site?: Mark Lowry

Yeah, its a nice site.

Kimberly - 06/17/99 12:51:02
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/va/kimberlina
My Email:kim_ber_ly@hotmail.com
How did you find this site?: a webring

Hey, I like your page. NIce work on it. Drop by my site sometime if you have time. Keep up the good work. =)

Mary Mohan - 06/17/99 03:16:32
My URL:http://www.gospelmusiconline.com/marymohan
My Email:MaryEMohan@aol.com
Location: Pittsburgh. PA
How did you find this site?: remarkable site

Great site, blessings remarkable. I pray you will succeed in doing Christian videos. Mary

Elizabeth - 06/14/99 18:32:08
My URL:http://www.btinternet.com/~skitol/index.htm
My Email:skitol@btinternet.com
Location: Scotland
How did you find this site?: Mark 's newsletter

ReMarkable sites are springing up every where! Keep on spreading the Good news of the Gospel! Blessings....

P.S.A.L.M. Please Sing A Lively Melody)

James - 06/14/99 15:17:28
My Email:jmullins@emsa.net
Location: Tulsa, OK
How did you find this site?: Link in Mark Lowry's e-mail newsletter

Great Site. The devotional today (6/14) was what I needed today.

BIG DAWG - 06/14/99 13:43:03
My Email:bigdawgsc@hotmail.com
How did you find this site?: Link from Mark Lowry

Great site. Good to know that there are people out there as young as you are who love Jesus so much that they would take their own time to create a website like this. Good job Jen.

Bryan Sehn - 06/14/99 05:07:45
My Email:marbryan@yahoo.com
Location: Canada
How did you find this site?: mark lawry's website

Really Cool!

jeanne - 06/14/99 02:40:56
My Email:jhnsntipi@aol.com
Location: Wisconsin
How did you find this site?: reMarkable

great site i really enjoy it i put it in my favorites so i can come back often. may god bless you and your web page

Myra Allen - 06/14/99 00:04:54
My Email:johnmyra@bellsouth.net
Location: Canton Ga
How did you find this site?: MarkLowry

Thanks for the visit!! Truely reMarkable!!

Frances - 06/13/99 21:07:44
My URL:/Heartland/Prairie/5876
My Email:praise@suite224.net
Location: Ohio
How did you find this site?: webring

Hi, You have a great site here I really enjoyed myself.It is always wonderful to meet other Christians, and see all the work being done for our Savior God Bless you In His Love Frances



WILLIAM K. PUTNAM - 06/13/99 13:27:01
My Email:w-putnam@usa.net
Location: Alta. Spgs. Fla.
How did you find this site?: was sent a url

I send out MORNING WORDS every day world wide. I have been doing this since Oct 16th,1997.Please include me for you weekly letter. Thank You

my earth name is LiAnna....hehehe - 06/13/99 13:25:45
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~LovinMyGod/index-2.html
My Email:MRev4Him@aol.com
Location: my lil corner of the planet...
How did you find this site?: becuz I'm reMarkable!! =oD

Oh, I wish I were an Oscar Mayer weiner...er, umm, oh yeah...AwEsOmE page!! Really enjoyed myself here. Stay cool, keep dA fAiTh (and spread it around!!), and may God richly bless!! In His Grip, LiAnna ~> I Timothy 4:12

DIANA Hamilton - 06/13/99 11:41:16
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/paris/cathedral/3650/
My Email:diana_a_d_praise@hotmail.com
Location: S. Louis, MO
How did you find this site?: Mark Lowry

God Bless you and your lovely site. Keep up the great work of the Lord.

Bobby Crawford - 06/13/99 02:08:20
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/hollow/1545
My Email:bjcrawf@bellsouth.com
Location: southeastern, ky
How did you find this site?: REMARKABLE, MARK

nice site. keep it up, laborers are much in demand for God's work, i am in his service, Bob

Glenda Lou Martin - 06/12/99 22:50:01
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/pa/GlendaLou
My Email:theviper@innernet.net
Location: Waynesboro,PA
How did you find this site?: reMarkable newsletter

Hi there! Great to meet another reMarkable! May God bless you for your testimony as yet another believer on the Internet!

ROBERT H STEELE - 06/12/99 22:25:43
My Email:anzio@mindspring.com
Location: COLUMBUS, GA
How did you find this site?: CHECKING E-MAIL


Kari - 06/12/99 21:10:42
My URL:http://servant.gentle.org/prayerangel
My Email:prayerangel@ccnmail.com
Location: Atlanta
How did you find this site?: reMarkables!

I just love meeting fellow reMarkables! I've bookmarked your site for further browsing! Please stop by and say hi when you get a chance! Best blessings!

Sue - 06/12/99 21:09:33
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Bluffs/1252/
My Email:ladypink@geocities.com
Location: Cajun Country USA
How did you find this site?: Mark Lowry sent me!

reMarkable! Do you really know Amy Grant? I bought her first albulm when we were teenagers! ;-)

Ron Guilfoyle - 06/12/99 20:35:49
My URL:/SoHo/Nook/1772
My Email:rguilf@excite.com
Location: Fontana, Ks
How did you find this site?: reMarkable email

Very nice reMarkable site. Looks like I'll have to spend some time! Another reMarkable, Ron

Glenn and Amy McCarver - 06/12/99 19:30:08
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/pe/McCarver
My Email:mccarver@peterlink.ru
Location: St. Petersburg, RUSSIA
How did you find this site?: reMARKable newsletter

Interesting site.

Rita - 06/12/99 18:59:13
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Woods/1807/
My Email:ronhen@juno.com
Location: Hawley, TX
How did you find this site?: reMarkable Sites Of The Moment

I like your site. Good Job, keep up the good work. May God Bless you.

Ben - 06/12/99 18:42:56
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Bay/9124
My Email:bwmartens@hotmail.com
Location: South Bend, IN
How did you find this site?: I'm reMarkable too!

Hey! I saw you're site on the last Mark Lowry letter and decided to check out your site! Congrats for making the letter! I think it's really great that he does that for us. My site was on a couple months ago. I don't think I'll ramble on too much mor because if you want to find out more info about me you can just check out my web site. God bless!

Verdayne Miley - 06/12/99 18:39:13
My URL:http://www.hows.net/47501vawc
My Email:verdayne@sigecom.net
Location: Petersburg, Indiana
How did you find this site?: Mark sent me!

You do have a reMarkable site. Keep up the good work.

Sue Robbins - 06/12/99 18:23:41
My Email:Rob6child@aol.com
Location: Chico CA
How did you find this site?: reMARKables


Sunshine - 06/11/99 23:19:53
My URL:http://www.freemall.com/SL&R
My Email:sunlolrain@hotmail.com
Location: USA
How did you find this site?: geocities


Nice site! Romans 8:38-39

Steven - 06/09/99 14:55:31
My Email:Gilreg01
How did you find this site?: you told me about it :)

Loved your site. I'm glad to meet another person who loves God. And keep up the good work on your webpage. May it help bring others to the Lord. God bless.

Vincent - 06/08/99 19:18:53
My URL:http://www.soulflame.net
My Email:webmaster@soulflame.net
Location: South Dakota
How did you find this site?: You over ICQ

Wow! This is quite the site. I'm pretty impressed with your content. It's good to meet a SERIOUS Christian. Anyhow, as soon as our two jobs allow, well chat some. God Bless, Vince

suzy - 06/05/99 22:09:00
My URL:/Wellesley/Gazebo/7146/
My Email:sargentsusan@hotmail.com
How did you find this site?: web ring


I like your site.

Shonda Swoveland - 05/31/99 05:11:46
My Email:Sholanda21@aol.com
Location: IN
How did you find this site?: you told me to come look :)

this is awesome lady!!!!You have to come help me set up one. I have no life so whenever you are free is good for me. Just playin. But I could use some help. Keep up the good work You are awesome at this stuff.:)

sacha - 05/26/99 19:40:41
My Email:smylz4u@hotmail.com
Location: Maryland, USA
How did you find this site?: Jennifer's Aol intant messenger profile

this is great i have sent it to all of my friends!!

Jason Crough - 05/11/99 01:50:47
Location: Syracuse, IN.
How did you find this site?: Your dad told me about it

hello Ihope school is going good for you! Stay out of trouble!!! he he :-) Just so you know i give your dad a hard time at work. I think he likes to be picked on.

Jason Crough - 05/11/99 01:48:57
Location: Syracuse, IN.
How did you find this site?: Your dad told me about it


Jason Crough - 05/11/99 01:48:55
Location: Syracuse, IN.
How did you find this site?: Your dad told me about it


Harold Johnson - 05/08/99 00:13:50
My Email:hj6674@pathwaynet.com
Location: Michigan
How did you find this site?: you sent me an E-Mail

Thanks for your E-Mail, telling me about your site. My wife and I enjoy it very much. You did a great job. May God continue to bless and lead you as you work for Him.

Thersa Bennnett - 05/05/99 22:41:32
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/on2/theresabennett
My Email:ladytb68@aol.com
Location: md
How did you find this site?: surf

great pages

SmartAlec - 05/05/99 15:03:04
Location: Here
How did you find this site?: From there

Hello, as you can tell from my name, I don't take things too seriously ;) I would just like to bless all the little children of the world. I send my love out to all the precious people out there. Luv ya....luv ya! Word of advice, you can't outrun a l on. Okay, I am done now. J/K Jen =P Hope that all is well. I just wanted to stop by and harass you like usual. Toodles ~Jake

Todd - 05/05/99 02:27:16
My Email:Timbaland234@theglobe.com
Location: Texas
How did you find this site?: Instant messanger

hello, I just want to tell you how good your site is.

Mike Pachelli - 04/25/99 14:12:24
My URL:http://www.cpeq.com/~pachelli
My Email:pachelli@cpeq.com
Location: Florida
How did you find this site?: you e-mailed me

Great page! Very inspirational and entertaining. Looks Kewel 2! mp

Gary Metz - 04/23/99 23:37:40
My Email:gmetz@dnsonline.net
Location: Plymouth IN
How did you find this site?: Your Dad

Just wated to say Hi!! :-) Hope your having fun.

Tisha - 04/23/99 22:52:06
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/wy/humble1/index.html
My Email:humble@tritel.net
Location: Wyoming
How did you find this site?: surfed on in

You have a great site Jennifer...The poems are really well written and inspirational...Please come by and visit my site...Let me know what you think....

Billy Hone - 04/22/99 17:17:17


Adrian Mathews - 04/21/99 01:41:43
My Email:webmaster@iwr.com
Location: Oregon
How did you find this site?: Link Exchange

Hello Jennifer, you have a wonderful site and thank you for exchanging links with us so others can surf your site as well. We invite others to come and exchange links. God Bless...

Andrew Sloss - 04/14/99 20:50:06
My Email:romans66@gateway.net
Location: St. Paul Mn
How did you find this site?: Through E-mail

Excellent site Jen!! I loved all the fun stuff!! I think it is cool that you have devotionals on here as well!1 God Bless!! Andrew

Joy - 04/10/99 03:42:57
My Email:SPLASH9583@aol.com
Location: In
How did you find this site?: you gave it to me hun LOL

Tis me your cousin of old. :o) Love ya

Chad - 04/09/99 03:15:22
Location: MN
How did you find this site?: Mark Lowry

I really enjoy your site Scooter! Keep up the good work and continue to use it to glorify God! Keep God #1!--Chad--

Jeremy, Scooter's cuz!!! - 04/09/99 03:04:53
My Email:FineFine49@aol.com
Location: Elkhart, IN
How did you find this site?: DUH, Scooter'z CUZ!!!

I'd like to thank my mom, my dad, and that guy that used to live down the street for making my life what it is... OH wait, this isn't some kind of award is it? this is just a guestbook? how cheap! hehehehe... really miss ya cuz, nice to see that we can talk a lil bit more now... but for now i must cut it short... site looks good, keep the progress movin'!!!

Christopher Herbst - 04/08/99 07:25:42
My Email:herchr@bethel.edu
Location: Bethel College / St. Paul, Mn
How did you find this site?: Aol Instant Messenger

Hi Jen see you soon, Gicurnvs

Cara Hershberger - 04/07/99 03:49:59
My Email:Kiwi462@aol.com
Location: Minneapolis & Indiana
How did you find this site?: I was forced to go, beaten and flogged

HEY!!!!! Where is the homage to red skittles. You rock Reeses'. Keep it pure and have fun. Always remember to speak with confidence.Well, I'm signing off from north central bible college. later tater ~skittle girl =)~

Joey - 03/26/99 03:19:06
Location: Illinois
How did you find this site?: just surfing

This site is very inspiring. Keep up the good work and I hope to see even more great stuff in the future!

Robert - 03/26/99 02:55:56
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Crater/5793
My Email:rwtrail@evansville.net or cavedweller73@yahoo.com
Location: Evansville, IN
How did you find this site?: I took a left turn at Albuquerque. OH WAIT!!! I found it because you signed MY guestbook. That's it! Sorry! Darn this short-term memory of mine! (HA HA!!)

Howdy do Jen! Well, thanks bunches for signing my guestbook. You're site buries mine, but that's really not saying much. But, it DOES say that you're site looks darn good! I love your poems, stories and joke pages! Keep up the good work! Good luck with it! -Robert

Grophle Guizenmman - 03/22/99 13:41:33

Ich denke, daß Sie Seite interessant sind. Ich fand sie durch Unfall auf GeoCities. Wievielen Monaten haben Sie GeoCities verwendet? Lebe wohl.

Brad - 03/22/99 06:11:40
Location: Indiana
How did you find this site?: a friend

Hello Jen! I really enjoyed your site. It is good to see that someone is making a good Christian site in the midst of all the sick and twisted sites on the web. Keep up the good work and God bless! -Brad

Joyce - 02/10/99 19:01:16
My URL:http://home.att.net/~heatherington
My Email:joyshine@catsrule.garfield.com
Location: Oregon
How did you find this site?: The Katinas Unofficial site

I saw your address on the Katinas Unofficial site and thought i'd drop by. you've done a good job with your site. I like the Prayer Poem, it really speaks out. Have a good day. Romans 14

Stevie - 01/15/99 06:30:25
How did you find this site?: friend

Good site! I really enjoyed your devotionals and stories. Keep up the good work! *Steve*

Gail - 12/10/98 03:27:02
My Email:looneyg@gateway.net
Location: Nevada
How did you find this site?: a friend

This is a wonderful site keep up the good work

Madison - 12/08/98 21:59:59
My Email:madisonmills@hotmail.com
Location: missouri
How did you find this site?: From a friend

I like this site!!!! It is very good.. Good Job Scooter!!

liselott - 12/08/98 21:58:26
My Email:liselott.slagbrand@karlskrona.mail.telia.com
Location: Sweden
How did you find this site?: by a friend

this site is great and funny, thanks for making me laughing

Eric Onsgard - 12/08/98 21:58:24
My Email:eons@means.net
Location: Minnesota
How did you find this site?: scooter sent me

Thanks for the visit! EO

Kristin McNair - 11/12/98 18:20:33
My Email:kmcnair@mail.utexas.edu
Location: Austin, TX
How did you find this site?: :)

Hey Jen!! Great job on your homepage! I'm envious of the people who have the dedication to keep these things running. Hope all is well :) Kristin

Joe Boerner - 11/12/98 02:51:08
My URL:http://www.nidlink.com/~knarfdivad/joe.html
My Email:knarfdivad@mail.nidlink.com
Location: Coeur d'Alene, ID
How did you find this site?: A friend

~ Hi Jen, ~
Eric Ashley told me about your site. The jokes are hilarous! :-) The 'devotions' are awesome and will encourage people (also question our walk with Christ).
Well.... Good luck with your site.
~ Sincerely, Joe Boerner ~

Elvis Presley (no joke) - 10/16/98 03:21:25
My URL:http://epi.mit.edu/elvis
My Email:elvis@mit.edu
Location: Math Class
How did you find this site?: Just browsin' on Yahoo!

Very nice site!!! I'm a Christian, too. I've enjoyed all your devotionals and hope to see more excellent work in the future. Keep up the good work!!!

Austin Danger Powers - 10/14/98 22:15:06
My URL:http://www.idonthaveone.com
My Email:iagaindonthaveone@nowhere.com
Location: Where I am at...duh!
How did you find this site?: I just found it...all right?!

This is the best site. I don't know what else to say, so good-bye!

Joey - 10/14/98 21:39:46
My Email:jazzfest@mailexcite.com
Location: Here
How did you find this site?: You mailed me the addy LOL!

Good work so far scooter.Not bad for a first try.Keep up the good work :-)

Spencer James - 10/14/98 21:35:17
Location: Vincennes, IN
How did you find this site?: not very easily.

Nice page. I am glad you are finally doing something productive...just kidding.. Bye

andy - 10/12/98 15:11:00

I was about to change your page around to that it would say The "Jen is a putzette" page but didn't because I didn't have time. See you in Radio Prod!

Mr. Happy - Da One and Only - 10/12/98 03:01:25
My URL:http://www.ericashley.com
My Email:moontower@webtv.net
Location: Mars
How did you find this site?: friend

Nice page so far, even though there is next to nothing on it! Wha ha ha! Good luck with it and thanks for being such a great friend. Let me know if you need any help with it.

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