Here are some selections of poetry...some of these will be original works by me (brace yourself, they aren't exactly great...) and others will be works from famous people, or people that i know that write poetry (and are willing to have me post it on the 'net!) So, read on, and if you have questions, comments or just feel like telling me it sucks, write me at Click here!

Get Drunk- by Charles Baudelaire

One should always be drunk. Thats the great thing; the only question. Not to feel the horrible burden of Time weighing on your shoulders and bowing you to the Earth, you should be drunk without respite.
Drunk with what? With wine, with poetry or with virtue, as you please. But get drunk.
And if sometime you should happen to awake on the stairs of a palace, on the green grass of a ditch, in the dreary solitude of your own room, and find that your drunkeness is ebbing or has vanished, ask the wind and the wave, ask star, bird or clock, ask everything that flies, everything that moans, everything that flows, everything that sings, everything that speaks, ask them the time, and the wind, the wave, the star, the bird and the clock will all reply, "It is time to get drunk! If you are not to be the martyred slaves of Time, be perpetually drunk! With wine, with poetry or with virtue as you please."

Untitled- by me

Watching from afar
As always
afraid to jump in
take action
wishing that you'd
make the move
allay my fears
make me feel
not so scared, not so alone
wishing and waiting and wanting
are getting me nowhere
yet here I still sit
afraid to move
afraid to try
afraid to do a damn thing
because I'm afraid you'll hurt me
The worst you can do is say no
but thats what I fear most
Two letters, a mere two letters
And my heart is in pieces
so I sit
and watch from afar
waiting and wishing and wanting

Untitled #2-by Me

I love you
I must try to move on
I know in my heart
We aren't meant to be
So I close my eyes
Close my heart
And push you away
I cover the wound
With a forced smile
And start a new life
In a new world
Without you

Illness of You-by Me

You infect me
You're like a virus
That I can't see to get out of
my system
You pulse through
My veins
Make me hallucinate
With the fever you give me
My thoughts and dreams
infected by your face
I try everything I can
to cure myself of you
Nothing can dull it
I cannot get better
You won't let me heal
And everytime I think
You have subsided
You come back full
Infecting me again
With your touch
Your smell
And I weaken
I give up, give in
And let the cancer
You give me
engulf me
Someday there will be
A treatment
And I will survive
And I will conquer
And you will no longer
infect me like you do
And I will be free

To Nikki/Thank You-by Me

Thank You
Thank you for being who you are
Without you, I don't know what
or where
I'd be
You keep me from hurting myself
You listen when i have to talk
Soothe me when i cry
You are the one true friend
I have at this place
You keep me sane
and happy
You help me be who I really am
And I love you for that
There are no words
No ways
That I cn show my gratitude for
What you've done for me
All I can say
Is thank you
From the bottom of my heart

Untitled #3-by me

You touch me in ways
No one ever has
Propel me into a world
of sensations never felt
the brush of your fingers
against my creamy skin
sends me reeling in
I don't want you to stop
I want to keep you
Never let these sensations
leave me
You make me feel so
so wanted
and object of desire
I have never been these things before
I like what you do to me
I like what and how you
make me feel
The ecstacy, desire
Pure passion like I've never felt
In my wildest dreams
I could never have hoped
for someone as truly amazing
as you

Secret-by Me

I have a secret
I feel it again
Ready to burst forth
the words
dance across my tongue
to be said
but I won't let them
I keep them to myself
saving them
for that special moment
when I know its for real
and the moment is true
so I swallow the words
close my eyes
and keep the secret to myself

Untitled #4-by Me

nothing but embers
ashes to ashes
dust to dust
sweep them up
and throw them away
Gone are the days
of innocent exploits
everyone has a motive
everyone has a plan
no ones here to guide you
take my hand
I'll show you the way
help me find my soul
And I will give you a sweet reward
still buried and pure
untouched by the light
of a corrupt world
Where's the love?
Let it shine down on me
cleanse me
purify me
warm bath of white light
covering me whole
I rise like a phoenix
From the swept up ashes
Clean, pure and new
I will guide you
For I have found my soul
I am the light of love
and so i will shine
on you
You too will be clean
and rise from the ashes
to join me
in this perfect world
Follow me to the sun
Into its bright warm arms
Stay with me forever
so we can become one

untitled #5-by me

Put your lips on mine
So i can feel the softness
taste the sweetness
Let me become part of you
Just for a time
touch your heart and soul
With the tender caress ofbr. my fingertips
I look inside myself
Find the piece of you
I stole
the tiny chunk
of colorshifting matter
it slides in my palm
under my skin
spreads throught me
coating me in your glow
you are inside me
surrounding me
holding me together
a loving glue
bond never giving way

Ok, so thats all for now...I plan on rustling up some more poems soon to post, so keep your eyes open!