July 29, 2000.

On Saturday we went to a wedding in Nevada. Our group consisted of Paul, Yu, and Afua. Yu didn't know the bride or groom but just came along to have a peek at Reno and hang out with Afua. It was pretty fun. The drive took about five hours and we had a rather controversial discussion about marriage. I tried not to get invovled in the conversation cuz i wanted to get a good understanding of people's opinions on the subject. Some were of the opinion that it is neccessary to be financially successful (house, good job...) before entering marriage, while others believed that wasn't necessary. Some wanted to marry young- before 25-and others wanted to marry in early 30s. I actually think it's better to get married young and have your children early while you have the energy and time to pour into their lives. Everyone i know who married late says they wished they had married earlier cuz it's hard to change diapers at 40. They have a hard time keeping up with their kids.

About two weeks ago i went to dinner with a rather interesting group. All the girls knew each other and all the guys knew each other but few people knew everyone at the table. oh, and all the girls were "black" and all the guys were asian. Our first topic of conversation was trying to figure who knew each other. I absolutely loved it. The whole time i was thinking to myself, how did we end up with such a strange assortment of people? When shall we ever be together again? probably never. I'm not sure why i love random groups of people so much. I guess it's cuz i think it's so easy to be surrounded by a people who bear a striking resemblance to you and never have friends who are "different". But i've learned so much from those who are different from me that i try to encourage everyone to try the experience at least once. have a friend who is not like you and actually disagrees with all values and opinions. Maybe it'll help clarify those opinions. Of course i still am confused about a lot of things. It's just i am able to gain different perspectives on my confusion.

The next interesting group was at a birthday party of a friend of a friend. Here the difference was due to age. There was a range from college students to grandparents. The young people kind of withdrew and talked young talk for awhile while the older crowd discussed what colleges their children are attending, number of grandchildren etc. Every once in a while i would mix with the older crowd. The most fruitful conversation i had was with a computer person. He dropped out of the aerospace engineering phd program to work with computers. He explained terms like IPO to me cuz i had no idea why people rave about going IPO so much. Oh it was also talking to one of the grandparents. She came from a family of 10 and is very anti zero-population growth. (kinda like me.) I believe in having big families!! it's such a lost family. Anyhow she was saying that it's actually quite selfish to only have one or two kids because it's your children who lose out on having interaction with siblings of their same age. it was quite a lively discussion. you have to read straight dope it is so funny. i have never gone to all the links on jack.html and maybe one day i will. but one that is disgusting to me now is ccm- it's so commercial. It's like the commofidication of all things Christian. ugh. but straight dope is very funny, and sarcastic. reminiscent of other stuff i've read somewhere. Man like the article on the world's tallest building/hotel. they actually have four categories of tall buildings now.
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