August 23, 2000

I am often surprised at how truly lazy i can be. For differing reasons i decided to stay at Stanford this week, cuz it's a free room and i can invite tons of folk to come and visit. Anyhow i brought 2 sleeping bags, all my laundry (it's a dollar cheaper per load) 3 pairs of shoe, hair products etc. I also brought a dozen eggs, a head of lettuce, sandwich meat and a jar of uncooked rice. However i will probably starve this week because i have no cash to buy food, I will be at work from 7:30 till 9:30 most days of the week, and i have no pot to cook the food i do have. I have made no attempt to resolve this problem because it would require effort and money on my part. Instead i console myself with the fact that i will probably go out to eat every day this weekend. All the money i should have spent eating Sunday through Friday will be spent Friday through Sunday.

I just wanted to have a link to this article i thought was extremely interesting.

I think it was Danny Hall that gave this definition of leader: "one who leads a life that others want to emulate". Or something like that. That kind of intrigued me at the time because i always thought of a leader as the one who's the most vocal and charismatic... While they tend to be, it is not necessary. So, it just made me start looking around and noticing that there are so many leaders around me. And of course i am a very good follower because i'm watching the things they do so i can copy them. My favorite thing to copy is style. Especially hair styles (gotta keep it shallow). I am always on the lookout for good hairstyles. The next day i'll try it out and see if it works for me. Another thing i noticed is that i tend to copy people's speaking habits.At times people get offended because they think i'm mocking them. I'm not, i do subconsiously. So by the end of this summer, i am certain that these phrases will be part of my speaking habit:
1. you know what I mean
2. and stuff like this here
3. whopede wo, blase blase
i am sure i'll add more to the list by the end of the summer. aagh! it's so frustrating. well actually it's not that bad only slightly annoying.

I went to buy gas yesterday. I went in to pay the cashier and was looking at a map. I hadn't decided whether to buy it or not, so i left it off the rack. When i got to the cashier and asked a question about my pump, he was extremely rude cuz i hadn't put the map back. he didn't hear me say that i was thinking about buying the map. So when i returned to pay for the gas and buy the map, his attitude completely changed. he became very nice and talkative. People don't even know. I wanted to buy the map and decided not to because he had been rude to me. But i changed my mind because i needed the map and i didn't want him to get to me. The other day at work this guy was so rude to me. I almost started crying. These days almost anything can make me cry. Sometimes it's equal part realizing how mean people are to me, or how mean i've been to someone. Like one time i was rude to someone unintentionally and i was bawling for 30 minutes. I can't wait till i stop being so emotional. But i don't think it'll be anytime soon.

Someone who befriended me at work got fired. It was so sad. She kept making huge mistakes, and they felt she was unreliable. I knew it was going to happen and it kind of made me sad. I tried to warn her in subtle ways, but i couldn't because my supervisor has me work on personnel stuff and the first day i started she let me know that everything was extremely confidential.So i felt torn, cuz she deserved it(she did do things wrong), yet at the same time she has had a really hard time recently.

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