Joel J.S. Marciano, Jr.                                 

  G'day intrepid web surfer. I am presently undertaking PhD studies at the University of New South
  Wales in Sydney, Australia under the auspices of the DOST-ESEP scholarship program. I am on
  leave from the Communications Engineering Laboratory of the Department of Electrical and
  Electronics Engineering of the University of the Philippines Diliman, where I have been an Instructor
  since finishing my Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering  in 1994. I'm into signal processing,
  microwave theory and mobile communications, among other things. However, my main area of
  research is on broadband signal processing for antenna arrays.


      Refereed Journal Publications

J.S. Marciano Jr., T.B. Vu, "Reduced Complexity Beam Space Broadband Frequency Invariant
                             Beamforming", IEE Electronics Letters, vol.36, no.7, March 2000, pp.682-683.
      Refereed Conference Publications
J.S. Marciano Jr., T.B. Vu, "Reduced Complexity MVDR Broadband Beamspace Beamforming
                             under Frequency Invariant Constraint", accepted to the 2000 IEEE International
                             Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC/URSI National Radio
                             Science Meeting (APS 2000), July 16-21,2000 Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.

J.S. Marciano Jr., T.B. Vu, "Broadband Frequency-Invariant Beamformer Using Frequency
                             Sampling FIR", accepted to the Progress in Electromagnetics Research
                             Symposium 2000 (PIERS2000), July 5-14, 2000, Cambridge, Massachusetts,

J.S. Marciano Jr., H. Mehrpour, T.B. Vu, "Adaptive Control of a Broadband Array Using
                             Frequency-Independent Coefficients", Proceedings of the Fifth International
                             Symposium on Signal Processing and its Applications (ISSPA99),
                             August 22-25, Brisbane, QLD, Australia.

J.S. Marciano Jr., T.B. Vu, "Implementation of a Broadband Frequency Invariant
                             Beamformer Using the Two-Dimensional Discrete Fourier Transform",
                             Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent
                             Signal Processing and Communication Systems  (ISPACS99),
                             December 8-10, 1999, Phuket, Thailand.

J.S. Marciano Jr., T.B. Vu, "Novel Lagrange Polynomial-Based FIR Structure for
                             Broadband Spatial Nulling", Proceedings of the 6th Australian
                             Symposium on Antennas (ASA'99), February 17-18, 1999,
                             CSIRO Telecommunications and Industrial Physics, Sydney, NSW,

B. Xu, J.S. Marciano Jr., T.B. Vu, "Performance Enhancement of Space-Time
                             Constant Modulus Array for Smart Antenna Applications",
                             Proceedings of the 41st IEEE Midwest Symposium on Circuits and
                             Systems (MWSCAS'98), August 9-12, 1998 University of Notre Dame,
                             Notre Dame, IN, USA.

J.S. Marciano Jr., T.B. Vu, "Two-Dimensional Beam Space Equalisation Techniques
                             for Mobile Communications", Proceedings of the 4th International
                             Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP'98) October 12-16, 1998
                             Beijing, China.

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Last Date of Modification: 15 February 2000
©1998 Joel S. Marciano