Freak Manor Diary

June 04, 2001

Well, as I type this i ma at work. It is a Monday, and Memorial Day Weekend is still in my head. That was a blast and i would like to thank everyone who showed up and played. But what I want to know is if everyone else had fun. I know that no one reads this, so i am going to just rant and rave foe a little bit. I am getting pissed off at all of these people that think that they know what is best for the community that WE live in. WHAAT RIGHT DO THEY HAVE TO TELL US WHAT WE CAN AND CAN'T DO ON THE STREETS? I mean if I want to walk around the streets at night jerking my ... BANANA ... (you sick monkeys) Then i think that I can wear whatever I want. This weekend, I am going to officially call something, But right now I don't know what that will be. Also I would like to apologize to a few people. First and foremost, DETH JESTER. Even though everytime we talk my life gets screwed, I do apologize for leaving you out. And secondly, though it wasn't brought to my attention, Either beccause all of you are really considerate of my feelings, (NOo that isn't it), NONE OF US CAN SPELL. (No that's not it) ahh NO ONE READS THIS, (that must be it) To Bondage Clown, I have almost had to destroy a palm tree, for i miss spelled your name. WELL KIDDOS THAT IS ALL THE TIME I HAVE TODAy, SO FARE THEE WELL. UNTIL NEXT WE MEET. SO LONG. UPDATES TO CUM. SEE YOU AROUND. CARROT

Apr 16

NorwessCon this year was rad. Granted there weren't enough breasts shown, but you can't ask for everything. AnywayFor those that didn't go, here is (in a nut shell)(I can't type , cause there are some scavenger blackbirds pecking my eyes.) The Con started Thurs. and ended sat. Now i ma not going to metion names, but (Fracas) decided that the Klingons needed hairdo's and made a bounty for them. It was grand. There was of Biohazards party. Prince Kha showed his drag, and we had fun with extracuricular activites. It was a drunken blast. Bondage, Battle, Loki, Dom, Fracas, King Carrot, all the kitty's, Mom, and everyone else I hope had as much fun as I did.

Apr 9

This is Carrot coming at you loud and clear. I hope that I am doing this right. Anyway, NorwesCon is this weekend. Beltane is upan coming, and I would like this year to be one for the books. I would like to thank some indiviuals for the floor show, it was great. Talk to you soon. This page is mine now.

Nov 4

OK so in your own opinion was this the second Halloween Party that everyone else expected??? Well, I thought that it would have had a bigger turn out then it did, but then again I wasn't there for more then 20 mins. Sorry for my bad reporting in advance. Some things that I did get though were: April was back in town....for good or not I have no idea, does anyone else? There weren't as many costumes, but the ones I did see were something else. Jody was in a spider webed clingy dress, with only a thong on underneath. Adam was dress in a thong also, with fishnets and glow in the dark skull stickers all over. (It looked cool in the black light.) Randy had his Ozzfest hat on, a lime green and multi-colored spoted cowboy hat...Yeeehaaaw! But that's all I got, I had to go wasn't feeling very good. I did hear that it did pick up a lot as the night went on...So, if you or someone you know can tell me more, e-mail me...I'll be glad to put it up.

Some corrections...My Bad.....

I was informed that I forgot one of Flea and Pix's girls, she was the one with the cheerleading outfit on, sorry who ever you are. And, just to clear up the whole Tony thing....the Tony I was talking about was a dark skinned one, who showed up to the party wearing nothing, but a thong, a fanny pack, and a mask. It was not however the Tony that used to date April. Sorry about that one guys.

Oct 28

!!!! Halloween Party !!!!

The party last night was pretty sweet. We had all sorts of people there.... there was Jesus (complete with cross and nails), Beefcake (it took 2 months to make that one), a pimp (Halloween Botique), a green goddess (she is a goddess), a horny devil (I'm sorry about the bad manicure), Fulz(one of which with a quite impressive sack that jingled, the other maning the music), many guys in drag (Michael-you looked great, but the devil's mine, Darryl-I wish that I looked that good in a skrit, Randy-I'm glad that you went through puberty in such a short time, Wiggles-nice clevage), Tony the Tigger (sure you are Billy), a purple fairy (those are some neat wings you got there girl), a snowshoe (complete with suckers, why that has to do with snowshoes is beyond me, but I love sugar), a renaissance couple (a smashing couple, but I forgot their names-Ross and a blond????), a demonic angel (ripped titled halo, horns, and a sheet), a flapper (black fringe is good), an inspecter (he changed later, into Trapper John from M*A*S*H), a cavewoman (even cute little bear clawed slippers),a thug (served us well all night), a sexy surgeon, a naughty nun, and a girl scout (you have to love these three!), a gypsy (who I hear had too much to drink), a werewolf (is that right Tony???), a gentleman (a tux all in black), and your mild assortment of vampires, witches and others...myself inculded the retro-vamp.

As you can see there was a lot of people there, some I didn't know and some that I did. Another Tony showed up and caused a stir. The police, in there new SUV, did a drive by and blinded me (and others) with their spotlight, but kindly went away. And there was talk of starting a Freak Manor Web Ring--So what do you all think???? I think that more of us should start talking about it. Trish (Squish the Kitten) also made a cameo, she looked good in her sexy Burger King outfit with some nicely placed name tags.

In other news.... Pixy and Mr. Naked had their baby girl on Tuesday (????). She was a month premature, but is fine and healthy. She had a little bit on jaundice, but has recovered from that and as soon as she gets back up to birth weight she'll be coming home to her, beaming with joy, parents......Another update, Jolene is now a member of the Manor residents (she took over Drew's old room), and Adam is now living in her closet.

Well, I think that's about all I remember...hope you had as good a time as I did...see you all at the next one.

Oct 21

If you happened to walk into the manor last night, you would have seen a small but lively group sitting around on what? the couches? Oh yes the couches and in the light even! There was a very small group with some rather good conversations going on. Evan (burnout) was wearing Echo's crown, and was taunted by the word "Queen." Word is from Ross that Kirstin (who is in France for those of you that didn't pick that up already) is going on a date with a German guy. Congrats girl!!! I hear tale that Adam (Carrot) has moved into the Manor....he kept threating to go to his closet. And, ::gasp::, the Manor now has cable. Because of this Darryl has been known not to move for long periods of time, reportedly up to 16 hours. Damn, but hey I miss cable too! Randy showed up looking pretty sharp in my eyes, brown cords(jacket and pants) and a silver shirt. Well, all in all it was a fun time. I think the funnist thing that happened was looking at everyone's faces as the showed up to such a small gathering. Such a look of surprise.

Oct 14

ahhhhh let's see so many things to choose from.... it's was Wiggles 18th birthday, Tucker's brithday, Scott's brithday, and Sid and I's wedding reception...So all and all it was one huge kick ass party. huh? Well, somethings that I can remember are all the Manor Brats(sorry kiddies, but I was called a brat too!)were kicked, I mean asked, to leave at midnight, with the help of some light, Tony, and Fracas. Thanks guys, it made the night a little more worry-free. Well, one thing at a time now....So on with Wiggles night... I assume that he had a very good time. He had many, many pretty girls take body shots off of girls I hope you were nice. hehehehe. After that he kinda walked around in a daze. And now to Tucker....he was walking er stumbling rather nicely, didn't get a chance to talk to him much so I don't know what his night was like really. Looked like he was having a good time though. As for Scott, well, ah he wasn't there so I hope he had a great time with his new lady, Jess(please correct me if I'm wrong.)Sid and I had a wonderful time. Thank you all for the kind words of advice and drunken banter. Sorry we had to leave so early, but you know how us old married people are......early to bed, faster to sex.

Sept 23

Can't remember much due to an absolutely horrible experience that happened shortly after leaving, which caused me to put a mental block on the whole night.

Sept 16

It was a good night, if not a large turn out wich may have something to do with Autumn war. A lot of newbies, whom all seemed to enjoy themselves. Particularly a Shari's server named Stick Man, who Carrot had tied up in the archway within an hour. On a more serious note. I had the first hand experiance of being treated like an object. I was being sized up, turned around and and inspected like an animal for sale. I have only one thing to say about this. Thanx

Sept 9

If anything exciting happened I missed it, other than Cara's ever avant garde fashion statements. Like I ever miss those (ya gotta live for somethin').

What the hell is the date....Aug ... no wait Sept, that weekend with Labor....

OK. ChAoS Is drunk. Drunk, drunk, drunk. It wasn't a bad night. There were people named Jesse every where, which kinda scares me for obvious reasons. But asides from that I got to witness one of them them getting the curb service as a return favor from some one, which all started with whip cream down pants and what not. I also got to see a girl do the most fascinating breast dance (you would have had to have been there) with a pair of some of the most not only large, but well formed er... breasts I've ever seen. Which is in all honesty, a rare combination. That, and someone kept fondling my ass. And I talked to Ross for a lengthy amount of time, while kicking a possible corpse which was face down in the grass.

May 27th

This is my first entry, so bear with me. It was Raechel's going away party, and any party with a title tends to bring out the freak in you guys. Which is a good thing. Any way, this particular evening was an adventure for me before I even ended up there. You know that horribly pissing rain? I HAD TO WALK ACROSS TOWN IN IT!!! IT SUCKED!!! AVOID DOING THIS AT ALL COSTS!!! Oooh, 'scuze me. So where was I? So when I got there I was armed with a new shiny red shirt, and a camera. The shirt went over well. The camera? Even better. Except next (that's right kiddies, I'm bringing a camera from now on) I'm getting more film. I got some good pics. But I ran out of film before things really got started. The Manor had everything it needed for a good night. Mike was running a special on vampire wine, chicks where running around topless here and there, (though not quite enough for my liking...SHOW ME YOUR TITS!!there was John with a remarkable poetry reading. Which by the way turned into a full blown poetry circlew with such popular performer's as Miss Raechel, Byron, and some guy

May 6th

The DethJester has been doing a lot of thinking lately, and I am getting pretty pissed off at a few of you people.

First off, I ask you people to submit stuff to me and the only one who does is Snowshoe. I appreciate what he has done but I feel that the stuff he has submitted should be used on his own page, because he put a little effort into it. All I have asked for is pictures and maybe a snotty remark or two....are you people deaf and dumb sheep who have no opinion??? for crissake, wake up you idiots....

Secondly, just because I am moving out of the Manor doesn't mean that the Manor is falling apart, you have to ask those who will still live there what they think. This rumor mill bullshit is really starting to get old. I hadn't even found a new home and already people were asking me if we got evicted or something. If you people like the Manor so much, why hasn't anyone asked the residents as to whether or not they need a new room-mate? Or are you guys just fair weather freaks???

Thirdly, I have something a little more serious to say to a few of you, namely Fulz Company. You have abused the DethJester and now he's pissed. I have wiped the Fulz Company web page, cuz you pricks never visited it. I spent a lot of time on it, and you dick-heads didn't even bother to visit it. It is now the DethJester's Home Page, visit it or not. DethJester For those of you who visited it, thank you...those that never did...Fuck you too!

On the last peice of business, I have discovered something a little distasteful in Fulz Court. There is in all likelihood that a certain jester has embezzled all of our earnings from Norwescon. I have some witnesses, but I am giving this jester every opportunity to come clean before I bring formal charges against him. You may or may not know who I am talking about. If you are a PAID UP member of the company I need you to contact me as soon as possible. Thank you for your time.

April 16th

Hello again, sheesh you peple bitch alot! Okay, here's your latest update to the diary. After a few lame months, the parties seem to be progressing. We boot out a few undesirables (along with a few we are sad to see go....) and next thing you know there is a booty-shake contest going on in the living room. And were doing what on the couch and in the kitchen????? Who knows, maybe I will have to start coming out of my room again, and sitting in judgement over the affairs of you sick may just entertain me again!!!


February 27th

Hideho neighbors...DethJester comin at ya from the Saturday not-a-party. People are hangin out and generally being kinda friendly. Its amazing how much more sense this all makes when we get rid of a few jackasses. For those of you who didn't know, I will be attending Western this spring. Unfortunately this means that updates to this page may be fewer and farther between.... I know, a real bummer huh? hehehe Luckily this means that I may be able to bring a few more tricks to the page. More than just my charm and wit!!!Exciting huh?! Well, I will be back in awhile when I have something worthy to report....

February 8th

Whassup Freaks?  DethJester comin atcha wanting to know what you all think of the last weekends party?  Did that kick some ass or what?  On a slightly more serious note, if there is anyone who can get me in touch with Heather ( the one on the list with the pic ) it would be greatly appreciated.  I am thinking of using her as the model for the new Freak Manor Web Page banner.  The one we have is nice and all but I think it would be more distinctive if we had something a little more close to home, ya know?  So if any of you can get me in touch with her, please do.  

Additionally, what you guys think about Freak Manor t-shirts or hats?  I may have a contest to see who can come up with the best logo.  Winner just might get the first hat/shirt free with their work on it!  I will keep you posted of all feedback on the idea.  Keep Freakin'!

February 4th

Howdy Freaks.  Howzit hangin'?  I hope you are all looking forward to a good weekend.  I know I am.  The Seattle clan of freaks is supposed to be coming up on Saturday, including our artist Jon and Bear, (maybe we will get some new art this time?)  I found out that Wiggles isn't the culprit for all the young uns showing up.  It was Richard's little sister.....the trouble with red heads, I tell ya.  Can't turn your back on them for a second without them stirring up all sorts of trouble.

So I was sitting in Bach E. Nall's room this morning watching him and Molly Tov having  sex....what more could a pervert like me ask for first thing in the morning.  And right before I had to leave for the gym too!  When I thought to myself, "Damn, nice ass....and hers is pretty nice too!"  hehehe in all seriousness, I think it may be high time for the Freak Manor production company, in association with DethJester promotions, to finally create what has been declared necessary and righteous.  Freak Manor Porn.  I really want to make an attempt at making a movie, and for everyone involved, if it makes money, there will be a share of the profits.  If anyone is interested, please contact me.  And if you are wondering, NO I AM NOT JOKING!  I take smut very seriously, and with the amateur market being what it is right now, I think with the creative skills of the freaks at hand, that we could knock the shit out of any competition there might be.  Contact me people, if you want to do it!


January 31st

Hello again. The party this weekend was fairly successful, if a bit overpopulated with the younger types. I think that we will have to start asking for ID just to cover our collective butts. Sorry kids, but you are too much of a liability, if you're not eighteen yet, don't bother. Other than that, I think the party went well. Hard for me to judge, since I quit smoking and for the next 12 weeks I will have to keep a strict lid on my drinking. Before anyone wonders if I am in trouble or something, I can't drink because of a body-building contest I am entered in. (I hate the rumor mill!) The Manor has actually been shaping up lately; it's cleaner inside and out....which leads to my next comment. If I catch whoever it is that keeps cleaning out their car into our lawn, I am gonna bust your head and then toss your ass out of the house, capiche??? Nuff Said!

January 28th additional

OK, this is for all the jackasses that come to the manor on Thursday nights- you know who you are!!!  Is it too much to ask for you to show a little courtesy to those who live there besides Tony?  What the fuck???  You lame ass losers can't keep from grabbing the nearest piece of food and shoveling it into your munchy-suffering black holed mouths.  You better hope that I don't find out which ones of you helped yourself to my baked goods, cuz if I do I will using a little evoked rule of the Manor.  Kicking your ass out!!!!  What were you dumbfucks thinking? WERE YOU THINKING???  What if that had been made for someone else or worse yet, what if I had promised to bring that to work or something?  You fucks are LAME.....nuff said!

Week of January23rd

Well, the party was a little more interesting this week.  I was actually able to contend with all the smokers this time.  No violent outburst at all!  The only unfortunate side to the party was that it seems that someone has falsely spread a rumor that Freak Manor is a day care center.  Sorry kids, we know what it is like not having a place to party, but there are way too many of you showing up for our safety.  You will just have to get your fixes through Richard or Wiggles.  And by the way Wiggles, we know it is you that is bringing all these young uns over.  You will pay this coming Saturday.....afraid?  you will be.....hehehe.  Till next in deth.  DJ



Week of January 16th

I hate to say it but the first entry for the Freak Manor diary is gonna be lame.  DethJester in his incredible genius, quit smoking on Friday, and was therefore in no mood to party on Saturday night.  Whereas I am pretty happy with the quitting smoking part, I must say that I feel that I missed out on one hell of a party.  To compound my problems, I, DethJester have pulled another bone-head stunt.  First I fell asleep during a blowjob.  Nigh on impossible you say?  Just wait!  This Saturday I fell asleep while two ladies were satisfying their hunger upon my loins!!! TWO Dammit!!!  I think I need a vacation.....