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Curriculum Vitae

PhD Research

Photo Gallery

Dale Marsden's Web Page

NOTE: As of February 2007, this is no longer my main web site. I now have most of this material, along with much more, at You're still welcome to browse here, and of course on other fine Yahoo/Geocities sites, but some material is out of date. So please consider visiting my new site.


I am a PhD Student in the Fisheries Economics Research Unit (FERU) at the Fisheries Centre, the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. My supervisor is Dr Ussif Rashid Sumaila, a fisheries economist. I started my PhD work in September 2003.

My PhD research is about the economics of sockeye salmon fisheries management in the Fraser River in British Columbia. You can find more information here.

My curriculum vitae is available for download here. Most of the publications listed are available on my FTP site.

I live at Green College, an interdisciplinary residential college for graduate students and post-doctoral fellows at UBC. That's a fancy way of saying it's a university residence for grad students, but it's a bit classier than a typical dorm. Oh, and the food is fantastic.

Here is a list of free software that I've found useful for a variety of purposes.


I have a few other places on the web that I call home

  • My online photo gallery (with many thanks to my friend Kirk for the space on his server!)
  • My blog, where I occasionally rant about something political, or funny, or whatever I feel like.

Here are a few links to other material that I've linked to on my past web site, that I don't quite have the energy to put into a better form right now.

  • Photos of my niece, Sophia, when she was less than a day old. There are others of Sobe in my online gallery
  • Photos from my first ever triathlons: here, here and here.
  • Photos from my trip to Bohol, Philippines, in March-May 2002.
  • A travel log and photos from my July-August 2004 trip to Japan.
  • Photos of my other, more recent trips are on my online photo gallery.


Email: Mail: Fisheries Centre, 2202 Main Mall, Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z4, Canada


Here are links to some of the more bizarre (and usually hilarious in a strange kind of way) things that I've seen on the web: